Just to confirm that these buttons are not illuminated and there is nothing wrong with my Prius. Also the seat heater buttons are not illuminated on mine. This is bad because they are top-bottom so in the night there is no way to tell which button controls the passenger and which the driver seat. Even during the day it is difficult to see the L-R labels since they are under the center console. A left-right button layout would have been better.
Mine aren't illuminated either. Must be the intended state or we both have broken switches (both mirror and heated seat buttons). I find it irritating that not all of the controls are illuminated. I thought I was being over-sensitive...
Apparently there already two threads about this. Should have done a search first. They are not illuminated. Toyota should do this on higher level Prius (IV-V)together with auto-lights. These are almost safety features not only for convenience. My Volvo even had illuminated stalks.
The heated seats are illuminated so you might wanna check the bulbs or connection to the switches. Also, surprisingly (even for a Toyota), only the heated seat icon is illuminated. The L and R are not. Given the layout (like you said), you'd figure they'll illuminated the L and R as well.
This has already been confirmed by the several folks here in much earlier threads, that there is no bulb in the mirror adjustment button, therefore it could not light. Toyota decided, in it's infinite wisdom that they thought folks should adjust the mirrors before shifting into gear, and therefore it would be a hazard to illuminate, as folks might then (gasp) adjust their mirrors when needed! Personally, I am of the opinion that not lighting them causes a bigger safety concern as real world adjustments are needed, especially at night with bright lights behind you, so a dark button is more dangerous.
Have had my '10 V for almost a year now. Little oversights (or cheap-outs) by Toyota designers/engineers/management are still irritants. This non-illumination of an important control is one glaring example. We all know first-year buyers take a chance here & there, but matters as proper instrument and control lighting - not excusable. Toyota seems to typically not to "sweat the details" as they should. If they want to remain #1 (or close) in sales, they'd better realign. Other makes - Hyundai, Kia, Nissan, etc are on Toyota's tails. And when the Hybrid market expands with like-Prius models (whenever that may come), watch out. Mind you I'm very happy with my Prius, but Toyota could have minimized some of these irritating design and quality problems. Another related topic - I would NEVER buy another new car (Toyota) that employs the cheap green LCD panels for audio and/or Climate control. Again - another cheapout by Toyota on the '10 Prius IMO.
I agree with the green lighting (I mean come on, even the Corolla gets more "modern" amber lighting). Also, the Prius is a HUGE setup in illumination for a Toyota. If you've never owned a Toyota before, just note that previously, nothing is illuminated (except the standard radio/climate controls and the AUTO on the driver's power window)
I can forgive the above buttons not illuminated because these buttons are not used often, esp. in hot Texas. My biggest complaint is the lack of illumination on the HOMELINK buttons!! Now, these buttons, at least for me, are used much more often.
Isn't it easy enough to tell left and right of the green homelink indicator light? That area is also nowhere near as dark as the bottom half of the interior.
Well, it is more difficult between buttons 1 and 2. My Sienna's homelink buttons are illuminated...much easier to find the buttons at night.
I suppose. Believe it or not, I haven't seen illuminated stalks yet! I suppose they're on VW/Audi products at the least? +1. Even if they're not illuminated, at least raise the dots like in our old Camry (where the Homelink buttons were separated from the mirror) so we can tell the difference) Our Camry had rubber buttons that had raised dots. This was before Toyota decided it was cheaper to go with a mirror that had Homelink instead of a separate unit.
Where do you propose they put in a separate unit? The sunglasses holder or the SR, as well as the LKA camera, occupies that space. The mirror is made by Gentex so it's not like they have much choice in terms of design. Our Lexus has the raised dot only on the middle button so you'd have to feel your way around, which you would have to do with the left two buttons in the Prius.
My Mercedes G500 has the homelink buttons hanging below the rearview mirror. It was not illuminated. However, because it was below the mirror, you can see (and feel) the 3 buttons...so, it was easy to use at night because you can see the 3 individual buttons. As noted above, my Sienna's homelink buttons are backlit.
On the Camry, it's near the moonroof switch. You're thinking too far forward. (i.e. closer to the mirror). I'm thinking close to the switch "disc" for the personal lights.
Agreed. This is particularly irritating since the lower level is not exactly the easiest to see and read. (Even better would be Port =Red and Starboard = Green)
And let's face it...the heated seats buttons couldn't have been put in a more inconvenient location. It's ridiculous. I have to lean all the way over and under to turn them on and off? Extremely poor engineering...like they were put in as an afterthought. And EVERY other car I have owned with heated seats has a temperature adjustment setting...not just on or off. Smells of cheap, cheap, cheap.