I got this email from Nissan today: I hope this means that Spokane is in the initial roll-out after all! :rockon:
I suspect it does. My email didn't have anything details about contacting 'your dealer'. Congrats Daniel
Also got same in north Orange County, CA. Apparently, if you're outside initial roll-out, the email just says more information will be coming in June, rather than talking about the order process and August.
Yes, those of us unlucky ones got this: Mitchell, thank you for reserving a Nissan LEAF™. we will be in touch by June 30 to provide you with further instructions and help you get even closer to driving emissions-free.* Waaaaaaaaa ok I feel better now
I believe most (maybe all??) of WA is primarily hydro generated electricity, right Daniel? If that's the case it makes sense to me that they would support your area. The more vehicles they can sell into a clean energy area means better marketing down the road. I can see an add in the future "XXXXX cars are now contributing zero pounds of CO2, at the tailpipe and at the generation points" Congratulations on the (hopefully soonish) car.
I don't know whether it's all of WA or not, but some time back I contacted my electric utility to ask if I could pay extra for "renewable" energy, and was told they do not have such a program, since all of their electricity comes from hydro except for a small amount of wind. So at least where I live, it's all renewable. The uncertainty regarding the Leaf comes from the fact that the big push for fast charging stations is only in the Seattle area. We have a few charging stations in Spokane, but they are strictly 120 volts, 20 amps, which provides negligible energy unless you are plugged in for several hours. Anyway, this is looking good.
I haven't gotten any email yet today. I wonder which one I'll get in the Sacramento area? I hope the capital of the most eco centric state in the union qualifies for the initial rollout.
Got the email too. I'm looking forward to using up our PV surpluss on transportation, rather than simply giving it back to the grid, or receiving a small check from the power company, on which I'll likely get 1099'd. I forsee a wonderful day ahead ... when I'm getting frustrated because all the public charging stations are occupied with other EV's. Soon we'll have to design a protocol for such situations. I know some of the RAV-4ev drivers have an informal system going for their type of public charging stations. Actually, Colorado beats us hands down eco centric speaking. For example, their incintives for PV is almost 35% higher than CA. .
Between us and OR, we have 1 coal & 1 nuclear plant. Rest is renewable. My utility offers a "green" power option - which I found was much more practicle than puttin gup PVs.
I got the 'good' email today as well (Portland, OR). Given that I only reserved my car on 5/15, I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. To top it off, I'm scheduled to test drive a Tesla Roadster on Saturday! It doesn't hurt to dream, right?
I live in BFE and got the same e-mail...it was a general mailing to all reservation holders...and essentially pointless. I guess it's nice to be acknowledged and thus made aware that they haven't forgotten you (take note Tesla!), but telling you they're not going to tell you anything until June 30 doesn't help much.
I got the same letter. I am in the DC metro area so I am surprised by not being in one of the initial roll out areas.
I got the "good" email too. Maybe everyone with a California address did. If you didn't get the "good" email - consider: o Initial reservations were only a few thousand more then expected production for 2010. o There's a good chance that quite a few of these initial people won't come up with the $32K plus tax needed to purchase. Then - who is next in line - those with the initial reservations who live outside of the deployment areas, or those from the general reservation pool who live inside of the initial deployment areas? I'd hope the former, as those people would likely be the strongest advocates for Nissan, but who knows. The benefit to being one of the first is the ability to get a 50% tax credit for home charger installation which expires at the end of this year. Other then that, I'd suspect that many/most/all of the people who signed up who actually want to buy the car will be able to do so in 2011, with showroom sales starting in late 2011.
The more folks that choke on the $32K ... the more statistically likely I'll be good to go in the 1st December shipment. :thumb: Not that I'm wishin' hard times on any of ya .
The issues in the other states (non 5 rollout states), are, the training of the Nissan dealers, EV charging infrastructure (they seem bent on NOT selling them until there is some, even though most are fine with home charging). So even if some go unsold, they cannot move up the schedule on the "other" 45 states, and it will take all of 2011 to get those other 45 states "online" to sell Leafs. Nope, some of use are just going to have to wait until sometime in 2011 for their Leafs.
<sigh>... we can't order one til Mr. Harper agrees to provide incentives for EVs (i.e. national incentives b/c there are provincial incentives available - the same ones that apply to hybrids), according to Nissan.