Chinese drivers shun hybrids because of lack of subsidy | | The Detroit News The article later mention sales figures for the Prius and HCH last year in China. I didn't realize it was so shockingly low. No wonder I didn't see a single Prius when I went to ~1.5 years ago.
Just when did the Chinese buying public learn to expect a subsidy from their governing body when buying/investing in new technology...?? And I'd bet that the Chinese national fleet average, public automotive fleet, for FE already equal or betters the Prius. Only US citizens have learned to expect SuperCharger type response to gas pedal depression, 30-40HP for cruising and 200-300 for acceleration.
Just returned from a 3 week trip to China / Tibet. Only saw one Prius in Beijing. Automobiles are relatively new to the culture of China (for the common man). Power is not a concern. Speed - what's that??? I don't think we ever went over 50 mph. Utility and style are very important. High-tech & high fuel efficiency are not even on the Chinese radar. Consequently, not many Toyota Prius automobiles. Keith
If China's oil imports are surging and they reject hybrids... "The Bigger They Come The Harder They Fall" Dinosaurs were huge; they had to eat 100s or 1000s of pounds of plants or meat every day. Aside from those wiped out when the Yucatan meteor impacted, the remainder likely died out because they had to eat so much and food became scarce. China is developing a huge appetite for fossil fuels. America and Europe are adapting (slowly, but it's happening) to reduce their fossil fuel consumption. In the future, China could fall like the dinosaurs and America and Europe may survive. You say they'll just convert - how long do you think that would take? China has (thousands?) of coal power plants and consumes massive amounts of petroleum (oil). How long do you think it would take to convert? The answer is likely decades. Even if America, Europe, and Japan already have PHVs, EVs, nuclear power plants, and electricity from renewable resources, it would still take decades for China to convert. If every American woke up tomorrow and said "my next car will be a hybrid," how long would it take for 90% of the cars on the roads to become hybrid? Yeah, a decade. How long does it take to build a nuclear power plant? Yep, same answer. Build hundreds or thousands of wind farms, solar farms, wave-power generators, hydroelectric dams? Yep, same answer.
No true, they are very much into high tech and fuel efficiency, that's why the cars there are small and low power to save fuel. High fuel efficiency comes with high price, most Chinese can't afford it except for the rich, but the rich will buy luxury cars to show off their status. "You have to pay to save gas"
Right now there is some level of subsidy for small-engine cars and an additional tax on large ones. I believe the breakpoint is 1.4 liter engine displacement. Prius has definintely sold poorly here since its introduction. It is a red-letter day for me when I see one. If anyone can locate the sales figures for BYD F6DM in CHina, I'd be interested. Haven't seen any of those at all in Kunming. Other cities may be different, but the cars I see here are about 2/3 small and 1/3 SUV+ luxury sedans.