Looking at a 2010 Prius III with mats and emblem on the bumper. MSRP is $24,819. Black/Dark Gray. I was going to suggest to the dealership that this is where I want to be and wanted to ask this group if it was realistic or not. MSRP $24,819 $2,500 off MSRP so $22,319 cap cost .00075/1.8% MF as I am a tier 1 36mos/15K so I'm figuring around 65-66% residual ?? 6.75% sales tax Ohio acquisition, title and other non-cap costs in cash at signing. I'm coming up with around $205 at 66% and $215 at 65% with my monthly tax in. Dealer has about 15 Prius cars on their lot. What do you all think? And thank in advance.
I could be wrong, but I believe the lease rate and residual cost is set by Toyota Financial and not the dealer. So, instead of going in with a set of numbers, email a few dealerships and ask them for a quote on what you are looking for. Make sure to ask for the lease rate AND residual cost.
Dealership's current offer is: MSRP $24,819 Sale price $23,300, acquisition gets put on cap, its approx $200 below the $23,576 "invoice" 36mos/15K year $315 due at signing (Doc fee, License, Title) $271 per month including my 6.75% tax Any comments?