Hey guys, Well, here is an odd situation. While checking my Air Conditioner filter over the weekend, I had noticed that the small rubber 'door handle' molding that you find sitting at the bottom of where you place your hands to close the door is missing. I'm assuming the last time I went to the car wash, someone cleaning the interior somehow got it out of there and mistook it for some trash or something. Now, it's not the biggest loss in the world, but for some reason knowing that this part is now lost bothers me. As well as starting at the screw that holds down that compartment staring back at me. Is there an item number or particular 'name' for this item? I'm going to head into my dealer this weekend for a new AC filter, so I figured I'd ask since I can't seem to find it in the Prius manual. As well, I think I'd probably raise some eyebrows over at the dealer with this request, since I'm sure it's never really happened before. Thanks for the info in advanced! BTW, 16,000 miles into it and I had 54.8 MPG with nearly a full car of passengers and cargo for my last tank of gas. This car just keeps on giving and giving!
I've sucked mine out with the vacuum cleaner, fortunately I noticed it. But your right the car wash people probably wouldn't notice. If the dealer can't get you one or it costs to much I bet you could find something to make one out of and use the other side as a mirror image pattern. You might even be able to make one out of a mouse pad?
Thanks for the suggestion Tom! The mouse pad idea doesn't sound too bad. I figured I'd try to at least find out what this part is called and see if I can get the dealer to give me another one. Perhaps maybe one from one of their loaners. I bet they wouldn't even know what to charge me for one of those pieces. :noidea:
DanMode, I can't quite figure out what small part you're speaking about. Perhaps you can find it on this page at Toyota Parts Barn. Just pick the part, click on the name/nuber at the top, and it'll show the price. :cheer2: Hope this helps.
Hey Rokeby, Thanks for the link. Wasn't aware of that site before. Unfortunately, I do not seem to see an option for the 3rd Gen Prius on there. (I click on 2010, then Toyota, but Prius doesn't show up as one of the models on the drop down menu. )
Oops! :redface: Missed the Gen III connection. :brick: Perhaps it's too soon for the Gen III parts breakdown to be shown. If the right part for the Gen II is shown, I'd give them a call and see if the congruent Gen III part can be identified/purchased.
Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. I was just wondering if anyone had detailed information (part #, etc) that I can tell the dealer besides "Rubber Door Handle Thingy".
The part number that you are looking for looks like 74221-47020 right front door cushion, are you looking for just the right door or left also? Hope this helps. The Toyota list price is $ 2.06 rcsting
You're referring to the spongy black foam rubber liner that's adhered to the bottom part of the inside door handle hole - talk about a mouthful... I'd recommend - if you're the slightest bit handy. Go to a fabric store like Michaels etc. They would definitely sell peel & stick material, like the soft part of velcro. Or material, even rubber, very much like it. And no doubt would have a small piece that may sell for a buck or two. Pair of scissors, test fit, peel the backing, and install. Should be quite simple. Bet the specific part from Toyota would cost 5 X more.
rcsting- Thanks for the info. I'll pass that along to my dealer when I visit them. I'm sure they'll know what i'm talking about in case that isn't the exact #. DeanFL- I just might do that for the cupholders, since I'm not too keen on smaller bottles swingin' around the holder while I drive (as well as keeping any water stains from getting them dirty as well) Thanks for your help everyone! Much appreciated!
Hey Dan I didn't see rcsting's $2 cost of the Toyota part - go for that! That HAS TO be the cheapest $$ part on the entire Prius. As they say in your town; re my recommendation - fugedaboutit. I did use that self-stick felt material to line the bottom of the door cupholders and console too.
I did use that self-stick felt material to line the bottom of the door cupholders and console too.[/QUOTE] Any problems with that felt adheasive melting and getting loose? That's my only reservation.
I’m also missing that part. I am assuming somebody has disassembled the door and lost/forgot that part thanks for the part number rcsting!