If I could make a rear bumper sticker for my Prius with a single thought on it, I'd have it say . . . . " CAUTION, The Driver Of This Prius is Completely SANE !" or Maybe " Completely SANE DRIVER on Board, CAUTION !" I'd welcome any other ideas. We should have a contest !
I love the prius and the money that I save on gas with it. I also like the HOV Clean pass in NY state which is probably the biggest reason I bought it, saving the environment is just another plus for me but it isn't really a reason I bought the car. I though of one when I first bought the car. Why hug a tree when you can huge a girl with big ****? For the net nannys those four stars represent the word eyes. For everyone else fill it in with what you wish.
Yeah, I was thinking you might need some more stickers on your car. Make it a big one. See if you can power it off the main battery!