Might work? Seat Belt Chime instructions on how to disable your seat belt chime. 1. Buckle Seatbelt 1.1 goto ACC mode? 2. While depressing the brake, turn the key to the ON position. Yes, know about the diff in the keyless Prius Was thinking someone might experiment w/ it in the ACC mode... might work by pressing the start button w/o your foot on the brake pedal? 3. Press the trip reset button a few times, stop when the ODO is displayed (not trip distance - A or B). If the odometer starts at the mileage, cycle through anyway. 4. Turn the ignition to LOCK 5. Unbuckle the driver's seatbelt 6. Turn the key to the ON position again. When the dash lights comes on, press and hold the trip reset button, and count to 20 (slowly). 7. While still holding the trip reset button, buckle the driver's side seatbelt. 8. The odometer display should read "b ON" or "b OFF". Depress the trip reset button to toggle. 9. Unbuckle and Turn OFF the car. Now do the Hokie Pokie and turn yourself around! http://siennachat.com/forum/index.php/topic,124.0.html :welcome:
Yes, know about the diff in the keyless Prius Was thinking someone might experiment w/ it in the ACC mode... might work by pressing the start button w/o your foot on the brake pedal?
How about an easy, fast way to shut it off and turn it back on again? Get on the net and type in "seat belt alarm stop". Lou