I am considering a Prius V and am trying to decide if I want the Advanced Technology Package. A couple of questions: 1. Can the cruise control be used without the dynamic radar function? In other words will it function the same as an "old fashion" cruise control if I want it to? 2. The advertising brochure says the DRCC will "allow for a preset following distance" but it doesn't say who presets it. Is this a driver controlled function that I can vary or is it preset by the software? Also, does this distance change with conditions and speed? 3. Can the DRCC and the LKA be used independently or do I have to use them together? 4. How does the LKA effect lane changes? Do I need to turn it off to change lanes?
1. Yes you can. Push the CC stalk away from you to switch between modes. You have to do so before you set the cruise speed. 2. Default is "Long". You use the DRCC button on the steering wheel to change distance from short, medium and long 3. They're independent. LKA will work as a lane departure warning system below 50mph and as a Lane Keep Assist above 50mph 4. Use your indicators
________________________________________________________ Answers to questions! #1 Yes you can use the cruise control with or without the LKA. #2 The driver presets the cruise control and can change whenever you wish. The three settings are about 100 yards, 75 yards, and about 50 yards. As the vehicles change speed in front of you the cruise control slows you to their speed. When they speed up or you change lanes the cruise control goes back to your preset speed. #3 Yes you can use the LKA or DRCC independently or use them together? #4 No problem, change lanes whenever you wish. My Comment. These features are extremely simple to use and as far as I am concerned, I love them. Good Luck, Hozz
The questions have been answered but I'll just throw in another YES for the LKA and DRCC. I don't use them on my daily commute as it doesn't involve a whole lot of highway driving but on weekend getaways with the family it is simply awesome. It just makes you feel less 'fatigued' after a few hours behind the wheel. THe LKA will NOT drive the car for you, but it does aid in keep the car in the lane w/o as much steering wheel input as necessary w/o it.
Congratulations on the choice. I recommend the package to anyone who does regular highway/interstate driving, particularly long, late-night stretches. I've found, as Paradox noted, the ACC/LKA combo really produces less fatigue during long drives. Add the satellite radio and some podcasts, and you'll just cruise along in comfort!
So, you guys that love the LKA don't find all the beeping as it goes in and out annoying? And you don't mind the stiff invisible hand on the wheel? I haven't tried it on a long trip yet, but I found myself fighting it a bit when LKA was on. Now that the handling/EPS is no longer twitchy, just doing my own steering seemed easier and smoother. I love the ACC, but I can't honestly say I would recommend to someone else that they spend $4K+ for it.
I found DRCC useful even on city streets! On a test drive, I tested the braking function and the Prius braked for me from 60km/h to 40km/h (after which CC cancels and you have to take over) coming up to a red light. It was pretty cool!
I haven't had that much trouble with it. A very light hand is all that is necessary, and the warning signal is valuable! I haven't found that the beep is annoying when it is reminding me that I'm moving out of my lane. It only goes off when you actually start crossing the lane boundary, not if you just get close. I'm doing my own steering the whole time with the LKA on, otherwise I'd end up with a beeping bounce from left to right and back again. Yes, I recommend it for people who have the money and are willing to spend it AND have the type of driving pattern that makes it usable and useful. I've used it in congested traffic, and it has been valuable there, as well. It keeps a safe distance and adjusts to traffic patterns instantly. It may not be the most fuel efficient way to drive, but it is much more relaxing! There are times when less stress is more valuable than more MPGs (OK, not often, but every once in a while!).
Oh for sure, it's definitely a life-saver (lower stress, lower heartrate, longer life.. kind of a stretch??0
I was talking about the beeps when it tells you it is going off (due to not being able to see lane markers, etc.), not about the normal lane warning beeps. As for the steering, maybe I just need to get used to it. When it starts taking a line I don't agree with, I may have a tendency to overadjust due to the steering stiffness the LKA introduces.
Oh yeah, while on my trip this weeknd they had 2 spots where it went from 2 lanes to one lane and back. The whole time I had my foot on the ready and let the DRCC slow me down, continue following the car in front of me thru the one lane and then sped me back up to 70 again once it went back to two lanes. It really reinvents the whole cruise control idea... As for beeping with the LKA, I didn't find it did it a whole lot and if it did it did not bother me. The only time I did notice it was when there was construction and it was obvious the lines were bad so I just turned it off until I was past the area where the lines were all jacked up. As for beeping when I got too close to a line, that's expected and honestly I only found myself making it beep on a line because I was trying to test the system and force it do so...
OK. Here's how bad I am: It's been almost 10 days since I was on a long drive with the ACC/LKA on, and I didn't even remember that it beeped when it didn't find lane markers any longer! I still don't recall it, but it makes sense that it would happen. Construction areas are the worst for this, followed by driving into the sun. It seems the LKA camera doesn't do well with direct sunlight or high glare. I'd like to put a polarizer over the lense, but I don't know what kind of camera it is!
does the cruise control affect radar detectors like a Valentine 1? We have a QX56 with the laser cruise control, and the detector is constantly going off because of the laser reflecting off the car in front of us (Its on all the time regardless).
Similar question, but yet different... I was wondering if it sets off any type of equipment that the police use to see if you are using a radar detector in places where they are illegal. The V1 is a great unit, but that sucks that there is a chance it may set it off. I always wanted to get one but now I'll have to read more about it and the 2010 before purchasing...
I have a Belltronics RX-65 and it does false alarm on radar cruise controls occasionally, but I don't think it does so very much. Maybe just when they are pointed at it. I'm anxious to see if I can even use it in my new Prius though, it may go off continuously when the radar is in the same car? I'll post the results when I get my Prius in a couple of months.
Nope. No false alarms. Been using the V1 and LKA/DRCC for about 2 weeks now. I'm loving the DRCC in traffice. It really works.
Agreed, no false alarms from DRCC whatever, the frequency is way to high to be mistaken by the detector for a speed radar. My previous post, above, was from last summer before I got the Prius. Don't use the radar detector much any more, seem to have slowed down a little driving this car.