Does anyone know if there is a way to get out of ready mode and back to accessory mode without a full power cycle.
Same here, the only way to do it is to turn the car off, and back into accessory again as far as I know.
I wish more cars had behavior like some of the GM cars had (even el-cheapo ones that were otherwise crappy): they keep the stereo on when you turn off the ignition until you open the driver's door. I don't know if there's a timeout but there didn't appear to be one. No Toyotas and Nissans that I've encountered do the above.
So you are telling us that the accessories are switched on by turning off the ignition, with no separate acc. switch position? Or is it just the radio/stereo that is activated?
Near as I can tell: car off, no brake, press POWER - turns on radio and 12 V plugs. Does not allow window operation. This seems to be accessory mode. accessory mode, no brake, second press POWER - turns on displays and control computers. This is the same as IGN without START. IGN mode, no brake, third press POWER - turns car off any not-READY mode, brake, any press POWER - READY Probably need to have some independent confirmation. Perhaps a state diagram someone? Bob Wilson
Seems to me that accessory mode is necessary to allow window operation, at least in my limited experience.
The windows will work in the Ready mode or Power mode but not in the Accessory mode. They will keep working for a minute or so after you go to off.
Yeah. That's one of the dumbest "features" of modern cars. Makes me long to a return to windows that you actual crank up or down yourself.
It causes my navigation to reboot. I know.. 30 seconds isn't long. but it's just something I was curious about.
I agree, It would be a nice feature to have. From Ready(running/start) to Acc without having to lose power to the radio system. Its a pain when you are playing an MP3 cd and the stereo power cycles and has to "load" the tracks again. a delayed accessory mode would be quite convenient.
There was a hack with the earlier Prius to keep the 12 V. system live on the auxiliary power plugs (aka., cigarette lighter.) What you're asking for would be some sort of 'time delayed', say 30-60 seconds, on the accessories. There are time delayed relays available that can keep a voltage up for different time intervals. I need something like this for my auxiliary plug in the NHW11. I'll get two and add it to my 'to do list.' Bob Wilson