I guess this proves that cleavage doesn't stop oil spills. JimN Proud member of Save the Cleavage Club
i disagree, i think we doing what we can to reduce it. reduce doesn't mean zero, it means less. it's not as if there is a viable option we are ignoring.
Isn't that a different kind of oil? Coconut oil? I don't think a beach ever had to be closed because of a coconut oil spill. :madgrin:
i wonder if this will put the kybosh on p.o.'s drilling plans? and force the nuke issue? because, nukes never have meltdowns like oil rigs.
My previous car got about 15 mpg. My Prius gets about 45 mpg. If I am driving about the same number of miles per year it seems to me that my driving is helping reduce the demand for oil compared to what I used before. Am I not understanding something in this equation?
Has anyone ever actually tried to use cleavage to stop an oil spill? "Viable" is a loaded term. As long as we insist on a lifestyle that consumes resources at the present rate, there is no "viable" option. But every person in the industrialized world consumes about a thousand times as much energy as every person in the underdeveloped world. "No viable option" is just another way of saying "I won't alter my life style." Yes. What you are not understanding is that even at 45 mpg you are consuming resources at an unsustainable rate and condemning your grandchildren to a world that is unimaginably brutal due to resource depletion and climate change. The argument that you switched from a 15 mpg car to a 45 mpg car is like the mafia hit man who asks the judge to let him go because last year he killed 20 people but this year he only killed 7 people, which is a big improvement, and shows him to be an upstanding citizen. (I am no different than you. Except that I see what we are doing.)
I see what I am doing which is using less oil. The mafia argument has nothing to do with oil consumption
Less oil than what? Less than the unconscionable amount that you used to use, that's what. The mafia analogy fits perfectly: The hit man claims that since he killed fewer people this year than he killed last year, he's an upstanding citizen. He's wrong, because killing anybody is bad. You claim that since you are burning less oil than before, you are "doing your part." You are wrong because you are still using more than the environment or the economy can sustain, and therefore still pushing us towards an environmental and economic disaster. This is also true of me and everyone else in the industrialized world. We are gobbling up the Earth's resources until there's nothing left, and the hell with whoever's still alive when that time comes. It is always and ever the way.
i don't know if it's circular logic, or what, but your argument makes no sense. if we are using up finite resources at a rate that leaves future generations without them, and we are trying to reduce the rate so that the future gets pushed out further, what else can we do? you would have us use none so that what? they will just be there forever? who is going to use them? what would you do if you found out there was a limited suply of air?
The hit man is helping to control overpopulation. Plus, a lot of the people he "hits" probably had it coming.* :madgrin: * The views expressed here are not necessarily the opinion(s) of PriusChatâ„¢ or any of its sponsors.
I'm glad to hear first hand news saying it wasn't too badly damaged. Thanks for your work and the clue Bra...
I merely said that I am using less oil than I used to use. You then called me "unconscionable" which you have no right to do. I never said I am "doing my part' you made that up.
I have a few truck driving friends in LA, They said they can smell the oil in the air and it is very strong.
it's STILL leaking!!!!!!!!!! more like gushing more like the deltas armagedon!!!!!!!!!!! they are still trying to fix the blowout preventor sitting at the bottom of the rig hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yea tell me an other one !!! how cheap was that blowout preventor built ??????????
All I'm saying is that people who think they are doing something good by squandering renewable resources at a slightly reduced rate, are deluding themselves. They are still causing the problem. Not fixing it. The solution is to stop using fossil fuels and begin using renewables. And considering the effects of carbon on climate, yes, we should just leave the stuff in the ground forever. I don't remember your exact words, but like virtually all Prius owners you were radiating smug for burning less gas. I pointed out that burning ANY gas is causing the problem, not solving it. And I included myself, along with all Americans, as the cause of the problem. We are living an unsustainable lifestyle, which is leading to economic and climatic disaster. As long as we participate in a transportation system based on fossil fuels we are condemning future generations to misery. We have the technology to switch. We're just not willing to do it. Maybe I should change my screen name to Jeremiah.