This is the last forum where I do not expect not to find a thread discussing the impact of this disaster. Needless to say, it is disappointing to say the least. Oil Spill Continues Throughout Gulf of Mexico From Oil Rig Explosion - ABC News
Since this story has no Japanese, Toyota, or Prius connections it is not front page news. My guess for the coastal states is: FL, LA, AL, & MS.
There is a thread discussing just this topic. Check it out: Tom
Leaving aside my inability to figure out what your post actually means, I'll assume it means we should have a thread discussing this. Which we do. This one. When the Exxon Valdez sank, Greenpeace put out a poster showing the captain of the ship, looking very disreputable, and the caption: THIS MAN'S DRIVING DID NOT CAUSE THE OIL SPILL. YOURS DID! This is another case of the same. WE caused this disaster. Everyone who drives a car that burns gasoline. That includes the Prius! We Prius drivers don't like to reflect on the fact that we are CONTRIBUTING TO, NOT REDUCING the demand for oil.
Is not commenting the right thing ? Sorry, your fellow PC members do not seem to share the same reaction.
I've just got back from a week of oil spill response. I wonder if I'll be asked to help in the Gulf Of Mexico? Sounds like a monster spill.
+10 Insightful. Even if you don't use much gas, our demand for plastic and transported goods drives the use of increasing amounts of oil.
We Prius drivers fervently want to save everything. As long as we don't have to reduce our driving miles. After all, if we burn 50% less gas per mile, shouldn't we be allowed to drive twice as many miles as anyone else? And in the HOV lane, of course. And be exempted from having to stop at stop signs because that would waste a drop of gasoline, and we want to conserve gasoline. By driving twice as far as other folks in a car that burns half as much gas...