It dawned on me that with the advent of EV's finally approaching the mass market ... I better start looking. Many of the ones we thought up had not yet been taken, but about 1/5 of the ones we thought about, were already nabbed ... at least here in CA: GASH8ER GOT 220 ♥2H8GAS EV ENVY EN NV EV SNOB NO♥4OIL JST PLG ONCHARG PLUG ON SOL PLUG etc. any who . . . after all was said & done, we decided to go with something more related to the dorky name of the car, as well as our belief in the technology, and support for Nissan forging ahead with EV's before other manufacturers in the U.S. Here's the one we purchased, so if you're driving around So Cal in a few months, you'll know who it is: Well ~ what do you think.
I flipped my laptop around to show that to DH, and he grinned and said, "I LOVE IT!" That's TWO :thumb: :thumb: from us!
I like that. And I'm hard to please. I have no love for cryptic license plates, or ones that distort the truth or even lie, to be witty. But this one is nice, straightforward.
I cannot believe this...the card arrived for my CA plates and I cannot pick them up within the 30 days. So I put the card in my briefcase, so I could call them today and ask them to hang onto them for another couple of weeks, and now I can't find the friggin' thing. It may have gotten stuck to the back of some outgoing mail the postman has already been by to collect. I don't suppose anyone still has the card and can give me the phone number that was provided? Hopefully it won't be a number for the local office you chose to collect your plates from. Also, while I'm ranting....a bit annoying that the DMV 800 number is just a call center where they a) can't do anything useful from an administrative standpoint and b) don't have any phone numbers for anyone that can!