I have serached the forums but have not been able to exactly tell which LED bulb is the best replacement for the standard front parking light bulbs. I believe a 2825 bulb is the type of wedge bulb needed but can someone tell me where they got there's and what brand is best to buy? I was looking for super bright or ultra bright LED to replace but the first ones I bought even though the were 2825 replacement the plastic type wedge base did not fit well in the socket.
Go here.... Super Bright LEDs - Miniature Wedge Base Bulbs also, this has been covered quite extensively, try a search, or at least read this thread... http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-modifications/72592-led-bulbs-my-2008-a.html
This brand (Luxer1) is some of the most expensive around but the light reproduction is much brighter than their chinese counterparts. Make sure its the same logo and all, there are some chinese fakes that try to incorporate the luxer name in them and are not the same. Luxer1 PRODUCTS LED DOME LIGHT
Post # 1 in this thread http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...arking-lights-rear-license-plate-bulbs-5.html is where I got bulbs for my 06
[FONT="]car light is indeed very signifant in driving. you can also check here. i have try one, very impressive. i once love to buy on eBay, but this one is relatively cheap.[/FONT]
[FONT="]i forget the link, you may have a try LED Auto / Car Light : Led Strips Hero-ledstore.com[/FONT]