First, I hope this is the right place to post this, if not a moderator is free to move. My wife has a 2007 Honda Accord. We have had zero problems up to 38K miles. I have been really pleased with the quality of this car and the Honda dealer service department. This weekend the rear passenger door remote lock mechanism quit working. 38K miles !! Even though the basic warranty expired at 36K miles, Honda has agreed to cover 90% of the cost to replace. I have had failures such as this with Ford and GM in years past and have never had any success in getting any assistance after the warranty period. And they wonder why they lose customers to foreign car makers. I would like to think that Toyota will be as accomodating as Honda when it comes to my Prius after 36K miles. What has your experience been with Toyota shortly after the warranty expires?
I have a friend that has an 07 Prius with 42k and one of her remotes stopped working (not the battery) and Toyota refused to replace her remote. 42k is more than your 38, but still you'd think Toyota would do a little something.....
I understand that the manufacturers have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, but if it is very close to the warranty deadline you would think they would do some time of prorate like Honda did for me. They also know how many others have had an issue with this particular part and whether the supplier may have had an issue. It will be interesting to see what other Toyota owner's have experienced. Thanks
The Chevy dealer replaced a leaky strut on the HHR 4000miles out of warranty for no charge. I think they bucked GM corporate to do so.
I agree with you. Especially if either (1) the thing that's broken shouldn't break within a reasonable time or mileage after the warranty's two parameters of time and mileage have passed, or (2) if the thing that's broken is out of warranty because one of the warranty's two parameters is largely irrelevant. I have that situation now. For two weeks, my CD player would not eject the CD that was in it. Then a couple of days ago, it ejected the CD. However, the car is 38 months old and out of warranty, yet I have under 15,000 miles on it. From what I've read on this board, the cost of repairing this (ejectile dysfunction!!!) is over $1000. Toyota's repair is to put in a whole new CD player and a related part of the instrument panel ... and these parts alone retail for over $1000. I know that Toyota is not legally obligated to fix it, but it would be the right thing to do.
Tom, I could not tell from your post but have you contacted your dealer and gotten their response? The Honda Service Advisor's initial response to my request was that this was definitely out of warranty and this was pretty cut and dry with Honda. He did agree to talk with his Service Manager. They called Honda and they agreed to the 90% coverage. Of course I had to take it to the dealer and was prepared to pay for this before they agreed to call and request. On the other hand, I did have the option to decline the replacement if I had to pay full price for it. I have other friends with Honda's and two of them have given me stories where Honda has agreed to cover either all or part of a warranty replacement after the warranty period at this dealership. It may very well depend on the dealership and whether they really push corporate for support. Dwight
Hi Dwight, No I didn't contact the dealer. During the two weeks it wasn't ejecting I was checking out my options. The cheapest option is to buy a used OEM one on eBay for $70 - $120 -- there's an eBay seller who specializes in used OEM radios and guarantees their working condition -- and either install it yourself or find someone who's willing to install it (which I understand might be hard ... car audio shops typically won't do it). Then 2 days ago it ejected. But if it fails to eject again (and my guess is that it will), I will try my dealer.
Hey Boo, At least it's delayed ejection, not premature ejection, at least you get to enjoy your music LOL
:focus:i definately think it's a dealer/mfg thing. depends on the tech, the manager and how far they want to chaseit up the ladder. from my dealership experience, if i have a problem, it's not gonna happen.