This is BEAR. He is approximately 16-17 months old. He is already the same size as my other 5 year old tom. Could Bear be a Maine Coon or have Maine Coon in him? I found him abandoned as a kitten so I have no history on him. He's very affectionate, vocal and his fur is super soft.
i don't know... but that third picture is clearly saying "you woke me for a picture? try it again, i dare you..."
Official breed name: Black-and-White soft-hair Puss'n'Boots. And I concur with the consensus: Very cute kitty.
I would go with Tuxedo Cat. :madgrin: P.S. Jayman needs to put his cat on a diet. BooBoo weighs more than my dog.
MCs are friendly, but they don't snuggle like a Siamese. They have lots of fur around the neck and tail. With a similar cat with more white markings, he got so fat I referred to him as a "panda"
smirk But everything is proportional. If he was skinny, with his huge head, it would look comical. BooBoo is 11 and normally naps the entire day away. But if is in a playful mood, he can scamper around like a much younger cat Ah, that explains why I am the way I am
It can be very difficult to id a "household" cat. So many types can go into it. You may like to refer to the TICA web site: TICA Breeds While Maine Coons are the most popular large breed, the Norwegian Forest is also a large sized cat. Bear has the almond shaped eyes of a Norwegian. I couldn't see the ear tufts (fur sticking up from the point of the ear) which is common to both. Just enjoy him!
OK I think we have a positive ID. Interpol just transmitted this wanted poster... Bear the CAT, AKA Felix, Blackie, and Jimmy Carter! Known troublemaker, caution is advised, watch out for the concealed claws! It also noted a 1834.56 Violation, Posession of A Controlled Substance (Catnip) and a 1834.56a Being "Under The Influence" of a Controlled Substance (Catnip)
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