I replaced my horns with a Stebel Nautilis air horn. Very compact and can be installed as per instructions for dual horn replacement. This is the 3rd car I've had them on. Works very well. JWB
Could you post a link to the air horn? Did you happen to draw up a DIY with some pictures? The factory horn is quite weak, IMO.
Compact Italian Air Horns - Exterior Accessories - Car Accessories - Griot's Garage I went with the Ultra Compact Black horn -- very effective.
Unfortunately, I don't. I had one of my mechanics put it on (I work at a dealership). He did tell me, though, that since I was replacing intead of adding, it was pretty easy. Mounted the horn, moved the power cables from one factory horn and disconnected the other factory horn. Took him about 20 minutes. Cost me a six-pack of Heineken.
That is just plain annoying. Please tell me you have something better to do with you time, like scaring senior citizens on the street or something?
Good for you, unfortunate for me! I do know a mechanic, that would probably help me do it without much cost at all. I do think a louder horn is appropriate for this vehicle, as there have been a couple times where the noise of the other vehicle drowned out the horn! I prefer to make evasive maneuvers rather than lay on the horn when it comes to accident avoidance. That said, I use the horn maybe a handful of times in a given year. I try to give "the polite honk" to alert those not paying attention at a green light after a few seconds.
Just dial up motorcycle air horns and it should list the Stebel Nautilus. Someone has already drawn up a procedure for changing out the horns but with this you only use one wire and a ground. I put on an extra brace to stop vibration. JWB
Again, did you by the Standard Nautilus, or the Compact Nautilus? Also, did it fit without much difficulty? Did it replace the left or right horn on your Gen III Prius? I want to get this horn, but there has not been any install instructions/locations for this specific horn, which is larger than an electromechanical horn. Don't want to buy this thing (only can get it online, so I can't see it) without knowing what a hassle it would be to install, and if I need any bracket kits. Thank you.
Don't worry, it's not really a "punk u up" kind of horn. It's a bit louder, with a stronger tone than the anemic stock devices.
You want to buy the compact Stebel horn. I didn't even know if they make a larger one. If you look on a motorcyle site I don't think they will show a larger one. I mounted it in the center just below the hood catch. Took one of the old horn brackets and made an ell with it to recess the horn slightly. Took the other bracket and y-ed off to an existing hole to the side to take the shake out of the horn. Works great. JWB
Thanks. I just ordered the horn from an EBay store so should be here in a bit. If I dont' feel up to getting the the old horn wiring, I'll have a mechanic deal with it.
Loud horns can, on rare occasions, improve safety, although my observation is that they are more frequently distract or intimidate other drivers. I don't understand the need for a louder horn on the Prius; the OEM horn seems to be fine. I hope people installing after market horns use them responsibly, rather than using them as an extension of their road rage.
I wish I didn't need a loud horn, but again...in the Bay Area, with the distracted/bad/txting/yacking drivers in their H3s and mini-vans, my assertive horn on my MINI, as well as my (now sold) motorcycle saved my butt too many times from disaster. When a vehicle SOUNDS larger than it is, a weaving driver takes notice quicker.
It's supposed to be annoying -- it's a horn. On the very rare occasions when I do use the horn, I do so in order to be heard. And, when I'm competing for attention with screaming kids, iPods, satellite radio, cheeseburgers, cell phones, mothers-in-law and satnav directions, I want to make damn sure I get the attention I'm seeking at that moment.