I did finally get my email and placed my reservation not long after I posted this. Was stuck in a meeting though, so I couldn't update my post.
Received my email at 2:55 MST (same as PDT) and put a deposit on a silver, loaded one. Some people may not know that there will be only about 1,000 in each of the five states (AZ, CA, OR, TN, WA) for 2010. The other states will have to wait until 2011 (still made in Japan) or 2012 when they will be made in TN.
Did everyone also sign up to see if they will be eligible for the free charger? It's one of the link's below your confirmation code when you finish. I nearly missed it until I was watching my co-worker register for his Leaf and he noticed it (he's good at reading the fine print).
Reserved: white, low option. Didn't see any costing on the options until the end. Have figure out how serious I am about being an early adopter by June, I suppose.
hope that changes. Nissan has always contended that the actual allocation would not be determined until they were able to better gauge interest which i took to mean that higher interest would equate to a much greater allowance.
FINALLY!! Thanks for reserving your place in automotive history. The Nissan LEAFâ„¢ has limited availability. by June 30, 2010 we will provide you with more details regarding availability of Nissan LEAF in your market and how to begin preparing your home for your new car. confirmation number: C27***** amount charged: $99 reserved on: 04/20/2010 I got the higher option, Red. Could not get the form to accept AMEX (formating looked wrong), FWIW, but used MC fine.
My link was right above the "cancel reservation" and "Locate a Dealer" links. It's gone now that I've filled out the survey and indicated interest. Same here.
I got angry and decided to go do my grocery shopping while it was still nice out. At about 2:35 Dave posted (above) that the first people were reporting on Facebook that they had gotten the emails, so I figured it would be a few hours for me. I considered waiting until the 3:00 p.m. alleged cut-off, but that other pre-email arrived in the wee hours of the day after it had been promised. So at 2:45 I went out. At 2:55 the email came. At 3:45 I got home, found the email, and reserved mine, but lost about 45 minutes of line-placement! BTW, and FWIW, my understanding is that everyone on the email list will (sooner or later) get the email, and will be able to go on line and get a confirmation number. But since it's only going to be sold in certain markets, that confirmation number might only be useful after they open sales in your area. I am pissed about the screwed-up way they managed this whole business, and about the misinformation that they were giving out. If my Porsche is ready before the Leaf is available, I might say screw the Leaf. Added to all this is that WA has a sales tax exemption that expires at the end of this year. Now that they're saying that this initial roll-out will not all come in December, but will extend into 2011, I might refuse to order one if they cannot guarantee a December delivery. I expect them to say they cannot promise a delivery date. All times above are PDT.
The formatting allowed 3 digits per field. My Visa is 4 digits per group. But I typed in my card number as it is, and the thing accepted it. Another screw-up at Nissan, but apparently it works even though it seems to truncate the last digit of each field.
Relax. I highly doubt the order in which you sign up has much to do with when you get your Leaf. Look at the good news - there's a good chance you'll be buying an EV from a major auto manufacturer by the end of this year.
The site would NOT accept my AMEX card from COSTCO, which is in a different format than their retarded website had (XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX), the Amex is XXXX XXXXX XXXXX, even trying to type them in and let it move over does not work, apparantly their web designers havn't heard of other formats for AMEX cards. The "free" chargers are only available in the 10 initial markets, and those "free" chargers are costing the US Government $98 million, hardly "free". they are for the EV Project rollout's initial 4700 Leaf customers. I highly doubt we will see the Leaf anytime before the 2nd half of 2011 in Boston, based on the answers from the #cartalk chat last week.
Spoke to the online chat assistant from the Leaf site and she informed me that the free etec survey/ charger is based on location...
Also, they are taking these reservations to judge the demand in each area for the Leaf, and so they can gloat "we got 150,000 reservations" from early adoptors... I guess the nearly 15 million in reservation fee's can't hurt either it will go a long way to convincing banks to finance the Leaf production line, is my guess.
Interesting - I would have thought that you in Eagle Rock/Glendale would have been eligible. Maybe it's based on your utility co? I know that SDG&E is working with Nissan...
Got the reservation a little while ago here in Chicago, although it will probably be quite a while before we see them! Black, base model. The interior color looked gray-ish but I couldn't tell. I guess it doesn't matter because there is no choice!
Mine's reserved, White with most options, confirmation no. 55xxxxxx. By the way, It worked with Firefox.
Got reservation email today. Chose blue color and SL package and entered payment info but instead of confirmation page I've got the "Becoming new new driver" video with the phrase below the video: "The Nissan LEAF has limited availability. Check back for details on how to save your spot. Now whenever I go to "my account" link I am always getting the page with the blue reservation progress bar near 90% complete: "To confirm your reservation, please complete your payment". When I continue to payment, "Becoming new new driver" video page again with no chance to finish the order or see confirmation of payment. CS representative said she has to escalate through the manager in 7-10 business days (supposedly when I am well at the end of 112k line ) Just wonder if I am alone with this problem, and what do you see when you click on "my account" link if you have ordered successfully.