Not sure how "customizable" this is, but if Garmin can do it maybe in the in dash screen can be customized as well? Garmin EcoRoutes ESP module turns your GPS into car sentinel
Wow, where have you been? Drew Tech has won over 20 (TWENTY!) SEMA Media awards for this product. It is called a DashDAQ and it has been available since 2007. We recently have been busy writing drivers to get Prius specific data (NON OBD) for Prius users. We are in Beta right now with these products. Check out a real vehicle monitor at: dashdaq dot com We allow users to completely customize their displays using a PC app that is simply AMAZING. Check out: the features slash customize on the dashdaq web site for examples of user defined gauge layouts. Here is a list of data from just ONE of our Toyota Prius enhanced drivers: Calculate Load Vehicle Load MAF MAP Intake Air Temperature Ambient Temperature Atmosphere Pressure Engine Coolant Temperature Engine Revolution Vehicle Speed Engine Run Time Throttle Sensor Position Throttle Position Throttle Sensor Position #2 Accel Pedal Position #1 Accel Pedal Position #2 Throttle Motor Actuate DUTY DTC Clear Warm Up DTC Clear Run Distance DTC Clear Min +B State of Charge (All Battery) Status of the MIL Status /OFF or ON The Number of Emission Related DTCs Status of the Comprehensive Component Monitor /Not Avl or Avail Status of the OBD Requirements /NO, OBD, OBD1, OBD2, E-OBD, Euro&OBD, Euro&OBD2, Euro&OBD&OBD2, JOBD, EURO 4 or EURO 5 MIL on Run Distance Status of the Component Monitor CMPL / COMPL or INCMPL MIL on Engine Run Time Status of the Shift Sensor SW - P /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - R /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - N /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - D /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - B /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - FD /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - RV /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Sensor SW - MJ /OFF or ON Status of the Sports Mode /OFF or ON Status of the Sport Up Shift Sens State /OFF or ON Status of the Sport Dwn Shift Sens State /OFF or ON Status of the Frontal Collision /OFF or ON Status of the Frontal Collision Fail /OFF or ON Status of the Starter Switch /OFF or ON Status of the Stop Light Switch /OFF or ON Status of the TC Terminal /OFF or ON Status of the Inter Lock Switch /OFF or ON Status of the Kick Down Switch Status /OFF or ON Status of the EV Switch /OFF or ON Detail Code 1 Detail Code 2 Detail Code 3 Detail Code 4 Detail Code 5 Generator(MG1) Revolution Motor(MG2) Revolution Generator(MG1) Torq Motor(MG2) Torq Request Power Engine Spd Master Cylinder Control Torque State of Charge WOUT Control Power WIN Control Power Drive Condition ID Inverter Temperature (MG1) Inverter Temperature (MG2) Generator Temperature Motor Temperature Power Resource VB Power Resource IB Status of the Shift Sensor Shift Position /P,R,N,D or B Accelerator Sensor Main Status of the Engine Stop Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Idling Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Fuel Cut /No or Yes Status of the Main Battery Charging Request /No or Yes Status of the HCAC OBD Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Warming up Request /No or Yes Status of the Stop Switch /No or Yes Status of the Cruise Control /No or Yes Auxiliary Battery Voltage Exclusive Information 1 Exclusive Information 2 Exclusive Information 3 Exclusive Information 4 Exclusive Information 5 Exclusive Information 6 Exclusive Information 7 Occurrence Order Information 1 Rear Motor Revolution Rear Motor Torque Rear Inverter Temperature Rear Motor Temperature VL-Voltage before Raising Pressure VH-Voltage after Raising Pressure The Time of Ignition ON Vehicle Speed(Max) HV Coolant Temperature DC/DC Cnv Temp (Upper) DC/DC Cnv Temp (Lower) DC/DC Converter temp MG1 Carrier Frequency MG2 Carrier Frequency RMG Carrier Frequency Status of the Converter Carrier Frequency /9.55kHz,9.13kHz,8.71kHz,8.29kHz,7.87kHz,7.45kHz or 4.8kHz MG1 Control Mode MG2 Control Mode RMG Control Mode Boost Ratio Status of the MG1 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the DC/DC Converter Shutdown /OFF or ON Generator(MG1) Revolution Motor(MG2) Revolution Generator(MG1) Torq Motor(MG2) Torq Request Power Engine Spd Master Cylinder Control Torque State of Charge WOUT Control Power WIN Control Power Drive Condition ID Inverter Temperature (MG1) Inverter Temperature (MG2) Generator Temperature Motor Temperature Power Resource VB Power Resource IB Status of the Shift Sensor Shift Position /P,R,N,D or B Accelerator Sensor Main Status of the Engine Stop Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Idling Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Fuel Cut /No or Yes Status of the Main Battery Charging Request /No or Yes Status of the HCAC OBD Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Warming up Request /No or Yes Status of the Stop Switch /No or Yes Status of the Cruise Control /No or Yes Auxiliary Battery Voltage Exclusive Information 1 Exclusive Information 2 Exclusive Information 3 Exclusive Information 4 Exclusive Information 5 Exclusive Information 6 Exclusive Information 7 Occurrence Order Information 2 Rear Motor Revolution Rear Motor Torque Rear Inverter Temperature Rear Motor Temperature VL-Voltage before Raising Pressure VH-Voltage after Raising Pressure The Time of Ignition ON Vehicle Speed(Max) HV Coolant Temperature DC/DC Cnv Temp (Upper) DC/DC Cnv Temp (Lower) DC/DC Converter temp MG1 Carrier Frequency MG2 Carrier Frequency RMG Carrier Frequency Status of the Converter Carrier Frequency /9.55kHz,9.13kHz,8.71kHz,8.29kHz,7.87kHz,7.45kHz or 4.8kHz MG1 Control Mode MG2 Control Mode RMG Control Mode Boost Ratio Status of the MG1 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the DC/DC Converter Shutdown /OFF or ON Generator(MG1) Revolution Motor(MG2) Revolution Generator(MG1) Torq Motor(MG2) Torq Request Power Engine Spd Master Cylinder Control Torque State of Charge WOUT Control Power WIN Control Power Drive Condition ID Inverter Temperature (MG1) Inverter Temperature (MG2) Generator Temperature Motor Temperature Power Resource VB Power Resource IB Status of the Shift Sensor Shift Position /P,R,N,D or B Accelerator Sensor Main Status of the Engine Stop Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Idling Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Fuel Cut /No or Yes Status of the Main Battery Charging Request /No or Yes Status of the HCAC OBD Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Warming up Request /No or Yes Status of the Stop Switch /No or Yes Status of the Cruise Control /No or Yes Auxiliary Battery Voltage Exclusive Information 1 Exclusive Information 2 Exclusive Information 3 Exclusive Information 4 Exclusive Information 5 Exclusive Information 6 Exclusive Information 7 Occurrence Order Information 3 Rear Motor Revolution Rear Motor Torque Rear Inverter Temperature Rear Motor Temperature VL-Voltage before Raising Pressure VH-Voltage after Raising Pressure The Time of Ignition ON Vehicle Speed(Max) HV Coolant Temperature DC/DC Cnv Temp (Upper) DC/DC Cnv Temp (Lower) DC/DC Converter temp MG1 Carrier Frequency MG2 Carrier Frequency RMG Carrier Frequency Status of the Converter Carrier Frequency /9.55kHz,9.13kHz,8.71kHz,8.29kHz,7.87kHz,7.45kHz or 4.8kHz MG1 Control Mode MG2 Control Mode RMG Control Mode Boost Ratio Status of the MG1 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the DC/DC Converter Shutdown /OFF or ON Generator(MG1) Revolution Motor(MG2) Revolution Generator(MG1) Torq Motor(MG2) Torq Request Power Engine Spd Master Cylinder Control Torque State of Charge WOUT Control Power WIN Control Power Drive Condition ID Inverter Temperature (MG1) Inverter Temperature (MG2) Generator Temperature Motor Temperature Power Resource VB Power Resource IB Status of the Shift Sensor Shift Position /P,R,N,D or B Accelerator Sensor Main Status of the Engine Stop Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Idling Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Fuel Cut /No or Yes Status of the Main Battery Charging Request /No or Yes Status of the HCAC OBD Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Warming up Request /No or Yes Status of the Stop Switch /No or Yes Status of the Cruise Control /No or Yes Auxiliary Battery Voltage Exclusive Information 1 Exclusive Information 2 Exclusive Information 3 Exclusive Information 4 Exclusive Information 5 Exclusive Information 6 Exclusive Information 7 Occurrence Order Information 4 Rear Motor Revolution Rear Motor Torque Rear Inverter Temperature Rear Motor Temperature VL-Voltage before Raising Pressure VH-Voltage after Raising Pressure The Time of Ignition ON Vehicle Speed(Max) HV Coolant Temperature DC/DC Cnv Temp (Upper) DC/DC Cnv Temp (Lower) DC/DC Converter temp MG1 Carrier Frequency MG2 Carrier Frequency RMG Carrier Frequency Status of the Converter Carrier Frequency /9.55kHz,9.13kHz,8.71kHz,8.29kHz,7.87kHz,7.45kHz or 4.8kHz MG1 Control Mode MG2 Control Mode RMG Control Mode Boost Ratio Status of the MG1 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the DC/DC Converter Shutdown /OFF or ON Generator(MG1) Revolution Motor(MG2) Revolution Generator(MG1) Torq Motor(MG2) Torq Request Power Engine Spd Master Cylinder Control Torque State of Charge WOUT Control Power WIN Control Power Drive Condition ID Inverter Temperature (MG1) Inverter Temperature (MG2) Generator Temperature Motor Temperature Power Resource VB Power Resource IB Status of the Shift Sensor Shift Position /P,R,N,D or B Accelerator Sensor Main Status of the Engine Stop Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Idling Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Fuel Cut /No or Yes Status of the Main Battery Charging Request /No or Yes Status of the HCAC OBD Request /No or Yes Status of the Engine Warming up Request /No or Yes Status of the Stop Switch /No or Yes Status of the Cruise Control /No or Yes Auxiliary Battery Voltage Exclusive Information 1 Exclusive Information 2 Exclusive Information 3 Exclusive Information 4 Exclusive Information 5 Exclusive Information 6 Exclusive Information 7 Occurrence Order Information 5 Rear Motor Revolution Rear Motor Torque Rear Inverter Temperature Rear Motor Temperature VL-Voltage before Raising Pressure VH-Voltage after Raising Pressure The Time of Ignition ON Vehicle Speed(Max) HV Coolant Temperature DC/DC Cnv Temp (Upper) DC/DC Cnv Temp (Lower) DC/DC Converter temp MG1 Carrier Frequency MG2 Carrier Frequency RMG Carrier Frequency Status of the Converter Carrier Frequency /9.55kHz,9.13kHz,8.71kHz,8.29kHz,7.87kHz,7.45kHz or 4.8kHz MG1 Control Mode MG2 Control Mode RMG Control Mode Boost Ratio Status of the MG1 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the DC/DC Converter Shutdown /OFF or ON MG1 (Generator) Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Temperature High Rear Motor Temperature High Rear Motor Temperature High Rear Motor Temperature High Rear Motor Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Inverter Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Inverter Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Inverter Temperature High MG1 (Generator) Inverter Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Inverter Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Inverter Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Inverter Temperature High MG2 (Motor) Inverter Temperature High Rear Motor Inverter Temperature High Rear Motor Inverter Temperature High Rear Motor Inverter Temperature High Rear Motor Inverter Temperature High Coolant Heating Coolant Heating Coolant Heating Coolant Heating Converter Heating Converter Heating Converter Heating Converter Heating Resister Over Heat Resister Over Heat Resister Over Heat Resister Over Heat Prevention Control of Staying Prevention Control of Staying Prevention Control of Staying Prevention Control of Staying Accelerator and Brake Depressing Accelerator and Brake Depressing Accelerator and Brake Depressing Accelerator and Brake Depressing Oil Temp Low Oil Temp Low Oil Temp Low Oil Temp Low ATF Over Heat ATF Over Heat ATF Over Heat ATF Over Heat Shift Gear before READY Shift Gear before READY Shift Gear before READY Shift Gear before READY Shift P in Running Shift P in Running Shift P in Running Shift P in Running Shift without Depressing Brake Shift without Depressing Brake Shift without Depressing Brake Shift without Depressing Brake N Range Control in Half Shift N Range Control in Half Shift N Range Control in Half Shift N Range Control in Half Shift N Range Control by Busy Shift N Range Control by Busy Shift N Range Control by Busy Shift N Range Control by Busy Shift Step Accelerator in N Range Step Accelerator in N Range Step Accelerator in N Range Step Accelerator in N Range Shift Backward Direction Shift Backward Direction Shift Backward Direction Shift Backward Direction Shift R or D during Ready OFF Shift R or D during Ready OFF Shift R or D during Ready OFF Shift R or D during Ready OFF Auxiliary Battery Low Auxiliary Battery Low Auxiliary Battery Low Auxiliary Battery Low HV ECU Intermittent Problems HV ECU Intermittent Problems HV ECU Intermittent Problems HV ECU Intermittent Problems Main Battery Low Voltage Main Battery Low Voltage Main Battery Low Voltage Main Battery Low Voltage Shift Sensor Main Shift Sensor Sub Shift Sensor Select Main Shift Sensor Select Sub Auxiliary Battery Temperature Engine Revolution (Sensor) P Position Switch Terminal Voltage T/M Cooler O/P Status Target T/M Cooler O/P Duty Status of the System Precharge Relay Status-(SMRP) /OFF or ON Status of the System Main Relay Status-SMRB /OFF or ON Status of the System Main Relay Status-SMRG /OFF or ON Status of the Back Up Lamp Relay /OFF or ON Status of the Emergency Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the T/M Cooler O/P Relay /OFF or ON Status of the Internal Shift Position /P,R,N,D or B Status of the Shift Sensor Shift Pos /P,R,N,D or B Status of the Sports Shift Up Signal /OFF or ON Status of the Sports Shift Down Signal /OFF or ON Status of the Pattern Switch (PWR/M) /OFF or ON Status of the Snow Mode /OFF or ON Status of the ECO Mode /OFF or ON The Difference Degree of an Accelerator Target Engine Revolution Request Power Status of the Engine Stop Request /No or Request Status of the Engine Idling Request /No or Request Status of the Engine Warming up Request /No or Request Status of the Main Battery Charging Request /No or Request Status of the Aircon Request /No or Request Status of the HCAC OBD Request /No or Request Status of the Primary DF Rqst on CCS /Pedal, None or DS Crank Position Generate Torque Request Driving Force Status of the Operator Override /Notctrl,Able,Unable or Disable Status of the TRC OFF Switch /OFF,TRC or TRC/VSC Rqst Regen Brake Torq Regenerative Brake Torq R Rqst Regen Brk Torq Rear Regen Brake Torq Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq Gradient of Road Surface Status of the Immobiliser Communication /OFF or ON Status of the EV Request /OFF or ON Status of the Prohibit Charge for P Position /OFF or ON Status of the Cornering Drag Control /OFF or ON Status of the IPA Control Signal /OFF or ON Status of the Accelerator Info for DSS /OFF or ON Status of the Vehicle Parking (T/M Ctrl) /OFF or ON Status of the P Rq Malfunction (T/M Ctrl) /Norml or Abnorml Status of the P Request (T/M Ctrl) /OFF or ON Status of the Shift Pos Status (T/M Ctrl) /Not P,Run or P Status of the T/M Control ECU State /Norml or Abnorml Status of the T/M ECU Pulse Consec Err /Norml or Abnorml Status of the T/M ECU Pulse Single Err /Norml or Abnorml Status of the Shift P Permission Signal /OFF or ON Status of the Collision Signal (Airbag) /OFF or ON Status of the Safing Signal (Airbag) /OFF or ON Status of the Normal Signal for A/B ECU /OFF or ON Drive Condition ID Status of the Permit start by Immobiliser /Ini Cnd,No Chk,Check,Norml or Abnoml Rear Request Torque Torque for Cornering Drag IPA Creep Up Rate Status of the HV Start Condition /Norml,Pr A/C or Remote Motor Temperature No2 Motor Temperature (MG1) after IG-ON Mtr-Temp (MG1) Max Generator(MG1) Rev Motor Temperature No1 Motor Temperature (MG2) after IG-ON Motor Temperature (MG2) Max Motor(MG2) Revolution Rear Motor Temperature Rear Motor Temperature after IG-ON Rear Motor Temperature Max Rear Motor Revolution Generator(MG1) Torq Generator (MG1) Torque Execute Value MG1 Control Mode Motor (MG2) Torque Motor (MG2) Torque Execute Value MG2 Control Mode Rear Motor Torque Rear Motor Torque Execute Value RMG Control Mode Rear Torque Distribution Ratio Inverter Temperature (MG1) Inverter Temperature (MG1) after IG-ON Inverter Temperature (MG1) Max Status of the MG1 Gate Status /OFF or ON Inverter Temperature (MG2) Inverter Temperature (MG2) after IG-ON Inverter Temperature (MG2) Max Status of the MG2 Gate Status /OFF or ON Rear Inverter Temperature Rear Inverter Temperature after IG-ON Rear Inverter Temperature Max Status of the Shutdown (Rear) /OFF or ON DC/DC Converter Temperature (Upper) DC/DC Converter Temperature (Lower) Converter Temperature after IG-ON Converter Temperature Max Status of the Converter Gate Status /OFF or ON Status of the Overvoltage Input to Converter /OFF or ON Status of the Overvoltage Input to Inverter /OFF or ON DC/DC Converter Temperature VL-Voltage before Boosting VH-Voltage after Boosting DC/DC Converter (EPS) Status of the DC/DC Converter Voltage High (EPS) /OFF or ON Status of the Prohibit DC/DC converter signal /OFF or ON Status of the Aircon Gate Status /OFF or ON Status of the Water Pump Running /OFF or ON Inverter Water Pump Revolution Inverter Coolant Water Temperature Status of the MG1 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG1 Inverter Fail /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the MG2 Inverter Fail /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the RMG Inverter Fail /OFF or ON Target Battery Voltage (DCDC Converter) W/P Run Control Duty Status of the DC/DC Converter Shutdown /OFF or ON Status of the DC/DC Converter Fail /OFF or ON MG1 Carrier Frequency MG2 Carrier Frequency RMG Carrier Frequency Boost Ratio Status of the Converter Carrier Frequency /9.55kHz,9.13kHz,8.71kHz,8.29kHz,7.87kHz,7.45kHz or 4.8kHz DCDC Converter cooling fan mode Aircon Consumption Power Status of the Air Conditioner Information 2 /OFF or ON Battery Block Voltage -V01 Battery Block Voltage -V02 Battery Block Voltage -V03 Battery Block Voltage -V04 Battery Block Voltage -V05 Battery Block Voltage -V06 Battery Block Voltage -V07 Battery Block Voltage -V08 Battery Block Voltage -V09 Battery Block Voltage -V10 Battery Block Voltage -V11 Battery Block Voltage -V12 Battery Block Voltage -V13 Battery Block Voltage -V14 Battery Block Voltage -V15 Battery Block Voltage -V16 Battery Block Voltage -V17 Battery Block Voltage -V18 Battery Block Voltage -V19 Battery Block Voltage -V20 Auxiliary Battery Voltage Power Resource VB VMF Fan Motor Voltage1 VMF Fan Motor Voltage2 VMF Fan Motor Voltage3 Inhalation-of-Air Temperature into a Battery Pack Temperature of Battery TB1 Temperature of Battery TB2 Temperature of Battery TB3 Temperature of Battery TB4 Temperature of Battery TB5 Temperature of Battery TB6 Temperature of Battery TB7 Temperature of Battery TB8 Power Resource IB Cooling Fan 0 Cooling Fan 1 Cooling Fan 2 Status of the Cooling Fan Relay /OFF or ON Battery Block Minimum Voltage Minimum Battery Block No Battery Block Max Voltage Max Battery Block No The Number of Battery Block Accumulated Time of Battery Low Accumulated Time of DC Inhibit Accumulated Time of Battery too High Accumulated Time of Hot Temperature Internal Resistance R01 Internal Resistance R02 Internal Resistance R03 Internal Resistance R04 Internal Resistance R05 Internal Resistance R06 Internal Resistance R07 Internal Resistance R08 Internal Resistance R09 Internal Resistance R10 Internal Resistance R11 Internal Resistance R12 Internal Resistance R13 Internal Resistance R14 Internal Resistance R15 Internal Resistance R16 Current Value of Battery Pack Charge Ctrl Val Which Sent to HV-ECU from BAT-ECU Dischg Ctrl Val Which Sent to HV-ECU from BAT-ECU Delta SOC Status of Charge after IG-ON Status of Charge Max Status of Charge Min Status of the ECU Control Mode /0,1,2,3 or 4 Cooling Fan Mode1 Cooling Fan Mode2 Cooling Fan Mode3 Status of the Cooling Fan Stop Control Request(Standby Blower ) /OFF or ON Short Circuit Wave Highest Value Model Code Engine Code Destination ECU Code The Number of Current Code The Number of History Code Status of the Check Mode /OFF or ON
Looks interesting, any idea when the Prius specific drivers will be available? Is the connection to the OBD port via cable or a BT sender? And do you have distributors in the UK?
holy cow! talk about overkill. But I already have a Nuvi so don't need a new box. Much prefer though to replace my Prius display with a suitable touch screen pc that could link in by bluetooth.
In that case, you need the DashDAQ-PC. DashDAQ-PC is the same software that runs on the DashDAQ ported to Windows. You would also need a J2534 interface like the Drew Tech Mongoose ISO-CAN or the Mongoose MFC to connect to the vehicle. BTW, the Mongoose-MFC is now the only Toyota approved interface for their Techstream Lite diagnostic application. That is the same software that the technicians use in the Toyota dealerships. So with a PC in your car and the Mongoose you could run both the DashDAQ-PC for cool graphics and glitz and when you needed to switch over and run the Toyota Techstream app for serious diagnostics and reporgramming.
<bump> Looks interesting, any idea when the Prius specific drivers will be available? Is the connection to the OBD port via cable or a BT sender? And do you have distributors in the UK?
They probably haven't figured out how to have the data display down the right hand side of the display.
DrewTech, I don't have a clue what most of that stuff is but when the Prius drivers are available I'm interested in the DashDaq for the inverter temp.
I've been doing research on these things, and this is miles ahead of the ScanGuage. Mind you it's more expensive too, but ultimately nicer looking. I'm seriously interested.
After deciding on what I wanted to monitor and st it all up, I am very pleased. All I can access right now is the Generic OBD stuff (about 46 signals), but for now thats fine. It's great to look at, extremely easy to use, and has fast data retrieval rates. When they release the enhanced data I'll be fully set to watch jst about anything I want about the car. A valuable tool for watching and learning about whats going on under the hood. A tech nut dream come true.