The dealership wanted me to put paint sealing protection on the Prius for about $200. He said that while it will not protect against scratches, it will avoid rusting and make it a little harder to scratch. Is this worth getting?
Ya interested in undercoating too? The answer to your question is NO. You think there's no profit to the dealer in offering this ?
Save your money, don't waste it. If you want to do it yourself just get some Zaino, or other paint sealant and do it yourself. Even having someone apply it is cheaper than the dealership. Zaino Bros': Zaino Store Paint Sealant - Waxes & Sealants - Waxing - Car Care - Griot's Garage
If you want the paint seal stuf, you can go to any autobody supply store and by it by the gallon for a fraction of what the dealer charges.
I swear by this stuff. Just got done putting six coats of Z-2 on over the weekend. Very easy to do, not really that expensive and quite fulfilling. One note of advice: when they say "use sparingly", they mean it. Once I'd washed, clayed the vehicle and went over it with their Paint Cleaner/Swirl Mark Remover, I was able to go over the vehicle two times with one ounce of Z-2 with ZFX.
I have waxoyl on my Prius very gut stuff.(did not do it myself) During first 2 weeks you can't wash your vehicle but after that it's super. I have it on the paint off my Chevy Captiva and use this car in France for a lot of 4X4. Many small twigs could be scraping the paint but it stays perfect. Gerjan
I agree with all above, esp "snake oil" description. Read up on "how to wash" your car. Many people do not do this well. Do it right and often. Use a name brand "wax" like Zaino, or Griot has some good ones...etc Also worry about rain spots, bird droppings, and SAP!
Paint sealing? I thought the paint had a clear coat protective cover already. Avoid rusting? Ask him how does that happen? Does this sealant penetrates the paint to the metal body and forms a protective surface under the paint and over it? That would be an amazing trick.
Here the thread Enjoy!