Test drove Tuesday, i think it was, and wrote the check today. Prius II in White, and just got it home. I've had a lot of cars over the years, but this one is truly different. I keep discovering little things about it that I like. I have a big learning curve, but that's half the fun - should be up to speed in a month or two. Hardest challenge thus far was finding a place to stick the deer whistlers. Finally used the underside of the front license tag holder - not far enough apart, really, but they should help. We've had six deer collisions in my family in the last 9 months. Yeah, boondocks. This is the best forum I could find for Prius, and you fine people have already answered a couple dozen questions I had, and a few more I didn't even know I should be asking. Thanks! :rockon:
And soon you will be answering the questions of newer owners, we always need new blood to remember the perspective of a new owner. :welcome:
Welcome to Priuschat! There was a great video that was put up (I think in the Gen III fuel economy section) that discusses "Pulse and Glide". You don't need to be practicing it yet, but the video gives some great information on how the car operates and what to look for. Enjoy your new purchase and hopefully the deer will cooperate by not leaping in front of you to get a good look at your car.
nice to have you. all the best with your new prius! how do the deer whistles work? a one hit my daughter in new hampshire to the tune of $5,000. damage.
Welcome aboard! Great color and model choice! Post a photo in the GenIII main forum when you get a chance.
Thanks to all for the nice welcomes. Bisco, I don't know if they work or not, but I use them. Until the past year, we'd escaped run-ins with deer, but this year has been awful. They are breeding out-of-control down here in the Appalachians, imo. My son-in-law hit two in two weeks on our road - no whistlers on his car. But I did hit one with a set installed last year. I figure they can't hurt, anyway.
Unfortunately, evidence is (I don't know where I saw it, but a Google search should find it) that the deer whistlers do not help.
same here and it's getting harder and harder to hunt them. and even worse than accidents is lyme disease which is also out of control up here.
How do you hit a deer? It is a huge animal, and travel in packs. I live in the Rocky Mountains and we have tons of deer. There is a group of 20-30 that are in my front yard everymorning (along with a fox that sleeps by our big rock until the sun comes up...). Anyways, driving down mountain passes all day I see deer grazing on the side of the road, crossing the road, and even walking along the sidewalks. I have only seen 2 accidents in the 10 years of living here involving deer. You see a deer at the side of the road and you slow down or stop to let it go. There was once where I crested a hill going 55mph and the deer jumped the guard rail into the road less than a hundred metres away. I just switched off the lights, slammed on the brakes and no harm done. The deer got out of the way, and I stopped before I would have hit the stupid animal anyways.
I think it's sheer numbers, at this point. One day a month or so ago, I had to panic stop twice on my drive home, in two different spots! It used to be somewhat rare to even see a deer near the road. Now I see a fresh carcass every week somewhere along the route. Here in the Appalachians the woods go right up to the road, and the deer often materialize out of nowhere. The one I hit jumped a fence off the road to my left at a full sprint and ran directly into my front bumper. I was going 40 in a 55, and did not even have time to lift off the gas and hit the brake. Must be something different out west, 'cause there are literally dozens of collisions per month back here.