We already know a lot of information about the Prius PHV Plug-in "Demonstration" program that Toyota is beginning (600 cars, 150 in the US), but here is some more information provided by Toyota this morning regarding the program. The most interesting information is how they plan to retrieve data on how people are using the PHVs. Moving the promise of electrification one step further, Toyota recently kicked off its global demonstration program involving approximately 600 Prius plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Beginning early this year, 150 PHVs will begin to arrive in the U.S. where they will be placed in regional clusters with select partners for market/consumer analysis and technical demonstration. The Prius PHV introduces Toyota's first generation lithium-ion drive battery. When fully charged, the vehicle is targeted to achieve a maximum electric-only range of about 13 miles and capable of achieving highway speeds of more than 60 mph in electric-only mode. For longer distances, the Prius PHV reverts to “hybrid mode” and operates like a regular Prius. This ability to utilize all-electric power for short trips or hybrid power for longer drives alleviates the issue of limited cruising range encountered with pure-electric vehicles. All program vehicles will be equipped with data retrieval/communication devices which will monitor activities such as: how often the vehicle is charged and when, whether the batteries are depleted or being topped-off during charging, trip duration and all-electric driving range, combined mpg and so on. As it becomes available, data from the program vehicles will be posted to a dedicated Web site. This in use, readily available data will help consumers understand how the vehicles are being used and how they're performing. Toyota believes this demonstration program is a necessary next step in societal preparation in that it allows Toyota the unique opportunity to inform, educate and prepare customers for the electrification of the automobile in general and the introduction of plug-in hybrid technology.
To my understanding, unfortunately not. And I would think by now they already have the leasing partners chosen, but who knows. One can always hope and dream to be one of a lucky few lol!
damm now i have to drive a plug-in for the next years.. for free thx to toyota. damm i am day dreaming again.
"Toyota believes this demonstration program is a necessary next step in societal preparation" Dear Toyota Corporation, "Societal Preparation"? I knew there was something oddly sinister in those giant solar powered Daisies you sent out to random cities last summer. Is this harmony between Man, Nature and Machine or Invasion of The Body Snatchers? In 10 years can I expect the silent scream from my neighbors when they discover I'm not one of them when I fire up my internal combustion engine? In my opinion, don't worry so much about Societal Preparation, just build a good/great product and society will catch up. With the VOLT, The Leaf, and the current Prius...and a million of them on the roads to boot, I don't think Societal Preparation is really so much of an issue. Those that are ready? They are ready. Those that will be ready...will be ready...as for the rest? Without perpetuating dangerous stereotypes, I'd love to see Toyota offer some of those Plug-In Prius to rural areas of Alabama...you might get them returned with bullet holes, but I'm sure you'd learn something from it. I'm not sure how I feel about "Societal Preparation"...feels like I'm part of some mass manipulation and desensitization. Please, I love the idea of Electrics, I love reality of Plug-In Prius....but when you start throwing phrases like that around, I just get the urge to rebel! Don't make me buy 1984 Ford Pick-Up and move to Alabama.
The Priusphv.com website that was originally up now goes to Toyota's Sustainable Mobility website. Toyota Sustainable Mobility If you click on the demo program link, the pictures we have already seen are still there as well as 3 new pics from the MID. Just thought I'd share the change in priusphv.com pointing to a new site and share the 3 new pics:
And a video as well, showing the Plug In Prius but maybe the one we'll see here in the US. It has 15" rims on it, not the 17's we've been seeing in all the display photos and from the rear it looked like there is a 'satin steel' plate on the piece below the rear window where the Prius and HSD emblem go... Watched it quick though, going back to watch it again. Yes, I am excited about this car so sorry if all this seems pieced together quickly! lol http://www.sustainablemobility.com/media/video/hires/Toyota_PriusPHV_B-Roll.wmv
Simpler answers: no way José categorically no not a snowball's chance read my lips fagetaboutit not even maybe ... NOT dream on you wish Besides, Doug already said so, back when I cried all over him. Now the question is, 'I wonder how hard it'd be to steal one of those 150? . . . er, I mean, accidently drive off in one, thinking it was mine. .
So in the video the Prius has foglights with halogen headlights. And I hope they get rid of those Yoko's for some decent LRR tires. Wayne
Some more information that I do not think has been shared before is now available on the new Toyota ESQ (Environmental, Safety and Quality) website: Toyota ESQ Communications I've known that 10 cars would be placed with Xcel Energy's SmartGridCity program in Boulder, CO but now we have more partners announced. So the question remains, out of those 150, 10 are gone and we do not know how many are going to these new partners... So how many are left for Priuschatters? Lol
More information on the site which I find important: I saw a slide showing a 'mock' screen with this data. I think it is great how Toyota will be putting this information out there straight from the vehicles for all to see. It will really help people say "You know, I think/don't think the extra money the PHV costs will benefit me". It will give people a better understanding of how weather, driving conditions, road conditions etc can affect ones EV mileage as well as how long the charge cycles will be. It should really help people make better decisions if they are looking at purchasing one so they are more informed and not disappointed after their purchase.
It'll be interesting to see how people are averaging in term of MPG, range, etc... It is not available on the site yet.
New Prius Plug-In Vehicle PHV lithium ion battery details I do not think that this detailed info was available before about the new Lithium Ion battery pack being used in the Prius PHV. Toyota?s First Production Lithium-Ion Drive Battery
Modular design so it is easily upgradeable. You want 20 miles range? Add pack three. I see pack one wearing out faster than pack two.
Well now we know why it isn't possible to retrofit a current Prius. There's a lot more at stake than simply adding a Li-Ion battery (or in this case, 3 batteries). Is it possible to recharge pack 1 and pack 2 if the main pack is full from coming down a mountain?
I'm confused. The program has been "kicked off" yet "Beginning early this year" (it's already April) "PHVs will begin to arrive" Huh? Are the test cars already on the streets? If so, when did the program begin? If not, what is the expected date that the test cars will hit the streets?