Clarification, a "cross word" is an angry word not a puzzle. I'd love to meet all PriusChatters, the 50 or so I have already met were wonderful people and I wish I had more time to get to know them. I find Daniel to be a fascinating personality and I'd cross the planet to meet him, I'd like to combine that trip to meet as many people from here as I could. Daniel, I live in a city of just 1.4 million which in Australia is a small city, and I didn't notice that Detroit was a big city. In fact it was hardly a city at all and the hotel wasn't really in the city anyway. Prius Connection Detroit was more like a tiny village of Prius fans in a big building. The conference room was the village square and we all went home at night (well some of us) on the vertical cable car to our comfortable studio style cottages. I really did miss your presence, and wish you had been able to fit Detroit into your schedule. I don't know when my travels will next take me to the USA but when they do I will endeavor to meet as many PriusChatters as I can and Daniel will be near the top of the list. Being a short-arse I don't mind flying "coach" or economy class. I might have a driving across the USA holiday, I'll hire a Prius and cross the continent. I might need to crisscross the country to see everyone I want to see.
A group meet with Daniel (and Indian food) sounds like something I might not talk myself out of..... :bolt: (I tend to shy away from large groups.)
Spokane's not too big. But the downtown area is confusing to drive in. I bought a GPS right after moving here, and still have to use it when going some place I have not been to recently. It's also a friendly place. I see none of the mean, aggressive driving habits here that people on Prius Chat talk about. That would be cool.
Bit of a latecomer to this thread, but I'd travel as far as Spokane. No further. I think meeting Daniel would be fun.
Wow, Daniel so much for my suggestion of you visiting Montreal. Big city, signs all in French, and weird food that you don't even find in France.
Food not found in France would be a plus. I don't care for French food. Too much dairy. Cheese is good, but too fattening, and I hate milk and white sauces based on it. Is Bill 101 still in effect, requiring all signs to be French only?
speaking of meetings; is anyone planning on attending Portland meet this Sat the 17th? i will be in Portland to pick up family so i will swing by for lunch
There's a Portland way out west, and another way out east, and maybe some in between. But there's only one Fargo, and there's only one Spokane.