The neighbors were at it again... She yells out the window of the kitchen: I AM NOT YELLING AT YOU It would be believable if... we didn't hear it... and we didn't know she was speaking a different language than english when she was REALLY let him have it. I kinda wanted it to end at first... then it was as if we just had to listen in... so the wife turned down the TV and opened up the window on that side of the house so we could hear his responses a little more easily... Sure am glad I don't live like that... Do any of y'all have loud neighbors that can't keep their arguments to themselves...
I think she is from Brazil... sounded kinda like Portuguese... although I have only been to Brazil once... She kept calling him a chachi or something like that... and I don't think she meant it in a nice way... Our daughter said that she wouldn't do that to her man if he had messed up, she said she'd just get the torch out... I believe the neighbor gal would too if she had access to one last night...
The most annoying things my neighbors do is smoke and never replace the batteries in their smoke alarms. The smoking in annoying because their butts end up on the ground and the smoke wafts into my home when I have the windows open. So now my wife and I are always afraid to ventilate our own home. The smoke alarm is more funny than annoying, I guess. They are hardwired so there's still power getting to them but since the batteries have died, they chirp every minute or so. They've been chirping for years.
Well this is how it goes sometimes at my house. I say something nonconfrontational to my wife while she's distracted or not listening. She says "What?" I repeat it a little louder. She still doesn't understand, so she says "What?" I repeat it a little louder. She says, "Well you don't have to yell!" I say softly, "I wasn't yelling." She says, "What did you say?" I say, louder now, "I wasn't yelling." She says, "Yes you were and you just did it again." Sometimes you just can't win . . .
I have similar smoking neighbors. Sucks when you wake up in the morning to the smell of cigarette smoke and the sound of hacking. And the dummy wife insists on throwing her butts down the sewer that drains directly to the river. She also does this weird thing where she smokes one, then lights another and puts it out after one drag.. might as well just burn your cash and eliminate the middleman. Some people are just aholes. I'm not going through the hassle of moving to get away from them. I'd probably just end up next to some other ahole anyway. It could be a lot worse. I could live next to the guy who refuses to fix his sewer line, so it backs up every couple of weeks....
I have a friend who has a drug house on his block. Says he's met the occupants and they are extremely low key. Of course, they sort of have to be low key to avoid being arrested.
Closest neighbour about 100yards, next closest >1 mile don't hear any yelling (although the coyotes get a bit noisy some nights)
Our neighbor has someone staying with him, who seems to spend a LOT of time aimlessly wandering up and down the sidewalk, smoking, and dropping his butts all over the place. Sigh. Usually, at our house, it's laughter that gets out of hand... oh, and we usually have to remember to shut the bedroom window, or else the neighbors give us "those looks"... and then they smoke more, too.
That alone would tend to make me leave the bedroom window open WIDER I once had very annoying neighbors that were nosy too. I solved that problem by putting out my tighty whities to dry, along with my girlfriends hot underwear. For some reason, they started to mind their business after that. Maybe it also had something to do with me stepping out onto my deck one warm summer morning just in my tightie whities, with the girlfriend just in her bra and panties Don't discount shock value. It really does work
Not long before my wife moved out I was sitting at the dinner table about to enjoy a meal which I had cooked for us all. Honestly I mean't to say, "honey could you please pass the salt?" But I blurted out at the top of my lungs, "you f###ing bi### you have ruined my life!" What was that about?
Sometimes, those feelings and thoughts that we keep stuffing down, and stuffing down, and stuffing down, will bubble up to the surface. It's all for the best :hug:
Now, that would drive me completely insane. I'd be over there with an axe after about 10 minutes. Mind you, I seem to have the ability to hear certain strange little noises. Digital clocks that hum, fridges that click and whir, water running in the far corner of the house.... ...and yet, my wife seems to think I'm deaf. It's the strangest thing.
When I had a moment like that... I wasn't the one delivering the message... And fortunately... it wasn't directed at me in front of the kids very often... it was especially tough on the foster kids... none of the kids during that time have contacted me after they were returned to their families... I miss that. Her reason for the outbursts were she wasn't getting to do what she wanted to do as much anymore because of the downturn in my business income and the lack of great money anymore that she could just piss away on trips, high end dining to be seen by her school friends, and fashion. I was using the credit cards to make payroll, so she didn't have the luxury of spending more money than was in the checkbooks anymore, and that especially ticked her off... so she found somebody on-line and dumped me with a lockout before I came home from work and restraining order, she had been planning it with the knowledge of her family and some of her friends/school chums... The 3 1/2 year divorce toll left me with nearly nothing to show for almost 14 years... I am not bitter... I am a lucky man, and I am holding more real estate without any notes than the house and time-share she mortgaged away and spent the proceeds on herself, and left something that was paid for to be a renter again... she yells at me that she's a renter again too... LIGAFNB Personally... I am not much of a yeller myself... I live in a well mixed neighborhood... not high-end, and not Del Paso Heights either... but both ends of the money spectrum are within walking distance of our home... most of the yellers are from the druggies houses or the homes with multiple families/relatives in em... I will have to hear old yeller's voice every once in a while when I deliver her support payment for my son that lives with her still... with any luck... soon... the only time I will have to be around that mistake in judgment will be my son and daughter's weddings.