guys and gals: my daughter tells me that her late 2009 model was displaying cumulative mpg for the first several weeks she owned the car, despite several re-fuelings. however, once she touched the reset button the display reverted to mpg since last re-fueling. she would like to switch back to the original life-of-car mpg display, but can't find a way to switch it back. i have checked my '05 manual and can find no reference to this. i would guess this info is in the prius computer. anyone know how to access it?
Well, my Gen 2 always displays the "life of car" mpg display .. only the mileage per tank auto resets itself after a fillup. The MPG remains... unless I manually reset it to zero again..
How can it display "life of car" mpg after you push the reset? All it will display is the mileage from the last reset, not a "life of car" mileage.
I have a 2007 package 6. Once the reset button on the display is pushed, all history is gone. No way to get back to "Life of car" mpg. Possibly there may be a way to get back into the computer if you have the right equipment, but probably only Toyota would have something like that, sort of like what they used to tell how many times the brake and gas pedals were used.
Well for me MPG display automatically resets to zero when the gas guage gets full. On couple of occasions it did not reset to zero. But otherwise it resets to zero as soon as last pip on fuel gage lights up, definitely without my using reset on MFD. Reset push button resets TRIP A or Trip B and not MPG on MFD. I thought that was the normal behaviour. And couple of times it did not, I attributed it to bladder in the gas tank and the tank really did not get full. Any idfeas?
This behavior was changed for the 06+ model. The 04-05 reset if more than xxx gallons (6 maybe?) are put into the tank automatically.
The margin-of-error (difference between calculated & displayed) is greater than the fluctuation after about 10,000 miles or so. So, it wouldn't be of much value anyway. All you'd see at that point is a value that doesn't accurately portray anything. At least with the more frequent resets, you get a better idea of true performance. .
It's not reset to last re-fueling. She just thinks its reset to that because the value changes more rapidly now. The display is set to display the average mpg since the last time the reset button was pushed.