Hi all, I am moving states to go back to school and have no use for my 2009 Zenn with 2,300 miles. I am located in St. Paul, MN and wouldn't be opposed to shipping. It's got an added PakTrakr system as well as 5 powerCheq units for better battery health. Please email or call Eric @ [email protected] or 651-235-7417 for pictures and more information! I was thinking in the $7-9,000 range for a price, but am willing to entertain offers.
chap0223, For the record, is this an accurate representation of the car you're selling: Are these the specs for the car you're selling? Also, What mileage have you experienced on a full charge? What is the maximum speed of the car? EDIT: Uh oh! :redface: "Like other NEVs, the ZENN is programmed, by law, to max out at 25 mph —although savvy buyers can hack their way into the car's computer system and rig it to go 45. And as far as the French-made body goes, anyone over 5-foot-8 is going to have to hunch down or stick their head out the window. The seat feels like you're sitting on a life preserver, and the safety belt is frustratingly finicky when one tries to click it in." From The Seattle Weekly.
Those look like the correct specs. In Minnesota the law allows NEVs to go 35 mph, so my car has had that upgrade that allows me 35 mph. Thanks for posting the representative image. My car is actually the blue color, though. It's difficult to say precisely how far I can go on a charge, but I would guess about 30 miles or so, as I don't go until it stops. I have been speaking with some people and they recommend taking it to the dealer and complaining about a short range (even though it isn't necessarily) while under warranty. They do some diagnostic testing and if any of the batteries are failing they are replaced free. I have an appointment to do that, so if any of the batteries are failing, they'll be brand new for the next owner. Let me know if you need anymore info!
For some additional info, I also have a 2009 ZENN reprogrammed to allow 35 mph (mine actually does 40). For the last 3 months here in Wisconsin (i.e. where it has been COLD) I am averaging 5.1 miles per kWh (which equates to about 150 "MPG" using $2.89 price for gas). My total range is anywhere from 28-40 miles, mainly depending on the temperature (28 miles at 6 deg F, 40 miles at 70 deg F). When we had a warm spell last week, I got right around 6.6 miles per kWh. I have gone up to 60 miles in a day, with some "opportunity charging" in between trips. 1 hour on a 110 volt (all it takes) charge will get you another 7-8 miles. It IS NOT a comfortable, well-equipped primary car. It is a tiny, poorly heated cheap mode of transportation that, if you do not mind it's limitations, can actually be fun to drive (and talk about with the people who will congregate around it in parking lots almost every day). It does NOT have airbags, either, if that concerns you. Two corrections to the above information, however... I am 6'0" and fit just fine (as does my 6'2" son). In fact, it has more leg room than my Prius (since there is no back seat). I have never noticed a problem with the seat belts. The batteries have a "sliding scale" warranty up to 5,000 miles, so at 2,300 miles any battery replacement would be covered 75%, I believe. You can get a new 2010 ZENN (exact same car as the 2009) on EBay from a dealer in Florida for $7,600. They are not being built anymore and I don't think there are many left at dealerships. Bottom line - I like ours (as a 2nd or 3rd commuting or errand car only). My teenagers drive it to/from school and activities every day. Good luck with your sale Eric.
Thank you. The dealer in Florida specifies shipping is the buyer's responsibility. Based on that and your info, a fair price for it would be what, $6-7,000? Thanks for the additional info as well. I just want to reiterate I love the little thing, it's just when I bought it, I didn't anticipate being relocated without the need for a second car.
Wow Eric, your mileage is waay above mine. i have a 2007 Zenn DC model though. as far as no room for the driver, i concur. the front seat has a ton of room. and ya, it utilitarian no doubt and sometimes a bummer to drive in winter, but i like it. ya, it kinda like doing the race car rides at the amusement park or cruising the fairways at the golf course but what the hey!! it gets me where i need to go
I've never driven a Zenn, but I have ridden as a passenger in Allan's, and I like it. The minor inconveniences are all outweighed by the fact that it uses no gasoline. Gasoline is a satanic conspiracy to destroy the world and enslave your daughters as prisoners in brothels run by GM. Every Zenn or Xebra or Leaf or iMiEV or Rav4EV or Corbin Sparrow you buy is a victory for Jesus, Motherhood, and apple pie against the evil empire of al Qaeda, the House of Saud, and General Motors.
I must say, I never heard of someone hating Gasoline as much as daniel, good for you! We could have been well on our way to being off our oil adiction a decade ago, but we all know what happened with that story.