I find myself in the market for a new cell phone and I'm torn. Many of my friends are sheep have an iPhone and have been consistently trying to assimilate me into the borg telling me I should get one. And I admit, they're slick devices and the tech geek in me drools over the idea of having one. However ... The desire to not follow the crowd runs strong. And I really like the promise of the Android OS. Especially the openness of the Droid. AT&T's android phone (Motorola Backflip) is nice, but it's locked down & google search was replaced with yahoo ... an unforgivable sin in my book. Making the decision tough for me is I currently enjoy a 19% discount on voice plans from AT&T (a holdover from my days as a loyal stormtrooper for the Death Star). But my current employer gets a 15% discount from Verizon. The overall difference in my monthly bill would be about a buck. I think I can afford that. So I'd like to hear some opinions. Especially from anyone who has a droid.
Right now is a good time to research new phones, but not buy one. The HTC EVO 4G will be coming out this summer on Sprint, along with the HTC Incredible on Verizon, and then the new iPhone will come out in late June. If you buy a new phone between now and the first-ish of July, you'll be kicking yourself. That said, the Droid is a fantastic phone, especially if you like physical keyboards. I love my Palm Pre, and the Palm Pre Plus is even better on Verizon (and soon will also be on AT&T). And the iPhone is the iPhone: The undisputed heavyweight of the wireless industry. My advice: Wait until late summer until you make your decision. Or buy a cheap iPhone or Droid off of Craigslist to try them out without getting into a contract.
I don't know about that $1 difference, have you checked all of verizon's prices? I have verizon but it's time to renew and i am in the same boat as you. But Verizon's required data plan on the Droid is an extra $30/month, and overall i think they are more expensive than at&t... i'm not even sure if at&t requires a data plan, but it can't be more than $15-$20 with them With that being said, i am going to check out the Droid and the Eris today... i'm not ready to switch carriers :-\
AT&T requires a data plan for all their smartphones to the tune of 30/month. So that matches with Verizon. Texting plans are comparable as well. I'd love to be able to wait until this summer, but I don't think I'm going to have that luxury. The "family" cell phone is in my name, but it's actually my wife's (I do have one provided by work). With our pending separation, I'm going to transfer the cell phone to her name. But if I do that, I'll lose my 19% with AT&T. In order to keep it, I need to add a line and split the account. If I go verizon, that's not that big a deal. I've hear the "iPhone for Verizon" rumors floating around, but, like I said, I don't know if I have the luxury of waiting.
Not to get nosy, but does 'separation' mean divorce? Or, is divorce potentially down the road (like 3+ months, when the new phones are going to be hitting the market)? Another thing to consider is the Google Nexus One phone. It is the priciest of all the phones currently on the market, but you have ultimate flexibility - you can keep your discount position with AT&T, and if you want to switch to one of the new phones in June/July/August, there is no contract cancellation penalty. Decisions, decisions, decisions.... Personally, I am waiting for the Sprint HTC 4G phone. If it is priced the same as Sprint's current 3G Simply Everything service, it will be compelling for me - in addition to the 4G/3G speed, it can be used as a wireless router, so I could use the wireless iPad with the phone and avoid the $30/month cost (plus the added upfront cost) of the 3G iPad. Decisions, decisions, decisions....
iPhone is for, as you put it, sheep. There is nothing new or revolutionary about it. The same tech has been around for ages, and since I got my first smartphone in 2001/2002 I have been doing everything the iphone can do and much much more. And I have had all touch smartphones before the iphone came out, and there really isnt a replacement for a full qwerty keyboard. Since you are able to stay with AT&T, do so. They are a GSM carrier which means you get access to all the goodies not available in the states but is available in Europe and the best market of all, East Asia! I bought my HTC Touch Pro (Similar to AT&T Fuze) direct from Japan. 4G capable, 2 video cameras, full qwerty keyboard with number keys (no function + key for '1'/'2'/etc, just an actual '1' key and so on), more RAM, and full quad band support. The crippled version they released in the states under the "Fuze" name is an embarrassment. I would suggest getting an HTC HD2. It looks somewhat like an iphone, but will wipe any gimpified iphone out of the water. Remember it took Apple 3 generations of the phone before they even had a copy/paste "FEATURE"! I have yet to find an app that I cannot get on my windows mobile HTC phone. And I can write my own programs (and do) in .NET or C++ and run them directly on my phone no problems. Windows Mobile supports multithreading so I can do multiple things at once, which you cannot do on an iphone unless you jailbreak it, and once you do that it just gets slower and slower and slower since it wasn't designed for that abuse. The list goes on, but stay away from the sheep! Feed your geeky need to be superior and get a proper phone. The HD2 looks to be an awesome phone, and if you order it direct from HTC in Taiwan it will be unlocked and generally have the most feature sets. Also you do not need the $30+/mo plan. You can get the $15/mo data plan and then modify the registry setting to disable "force cell connection" which will make your windows mobile phone hop on the isp.cingular data connection versus the wap connection which prohibits tethering and has a lower priority on the cell tower. Only reason you need the expensive plan with the iphone is because they make you with that phone, and blackberries I believe. Technically there is no reason. Since you have a sim card, they dont care what phone you have.
Possibly. The separation is so we can work on our own separate crap without getting in the way of each other. Divorce could be an option. The with legal separation is I have to transfer things to her name so she'll get the bill. Which means the cell phone gets moved to her name. She loses the discount, but, unless I have a line of my own, so do I. Which means I need to get a phone before she moves out. That could be in a couple weeks or a couple months. Sadly, I'm not in a position to wait for the next cool gadget. Being in the NY/NJ/CT area, my best bets for service reliability & 3G networking are the two heavyweights (AT&T & Verizon). AT&T being on GSM is a plus, as it will make international travel easier. But I can always get around that with a cheap "disposable" type phone if I go somewhere.
I have an iPhone (baaaah), my wife a Droid. Both are good phones. I find the iPhone much more intuitive and flexible, it's smaller and lighter to carry (until you stick it in an Otter Box like I did). iPhone 4, coming this fall, WILL be available on Verizon, pretty sure that's been officially announced. If there's any way you can get a lesser phone then extend your contract this fall and upgrade to the iPhone 4 or one of the many new smart phones coming out then, then you should. I don't think iPhone is for sheep and I frankly don't understand the 'haters' at all. While there may not be any single item that's unique, it was completely unique putting them all together in a simple, intuitive, fast and easy format that simply works and works very well. While it might not mean much to you now, the number of apps available for iPhone are huge and there are a dozen or so I find that have changed my life and how I do things. The Google GPS on the Droid is superior to the GPS/Maps on iPhone in that it gives turn by turn and ground level views. The iPhone is functional, but if you're the driver in unfamilar areas you really have to have a navigator to get you where you're going. With the Droid you can program it and set it down and reliably find your location single handedly. I don't really like/use the keyboard on the Droid, it's not much easier to use than the on-screen keyboard on the iPhone, but it was important for my wife and that's part of the reason we went that way. Annoyances on the Droid are that I find it really hard to turn on alerts I want and turn off the ones I don't. Sometimes it'll beep in the middle of the night when a new e-mail comes in. Other times we've found it sending calls directly to voicemail when we haven't touched the settings and have good reception. It's a bit harder to connect it to a Wi-Fi network when available, where the iPhone seems to do this much more easily and alerts you to available networks better than the Droid. If I had not choice, I'd be happy with the Droid, but I'm thrilled with the iPhone and can't imagine going with something lesser. For somethings my wife prefers to grab my iPhone rather than try to figure it out on the Droid, when we want GPS, we use hers.
I own both a G1 (1st gen) and iPhone (3Gs). Each has its strengths and weaknesses. I think the answer should boil down to which features are more important to your everyday use. For me the iPhone has an edge in music, photo and game capabilities. It's also easy to get useful apps to keep my little one busy in the car (e.g. Super Why, Rockband, etc.) Apple products are beautifully designed and intuitive to use, but their tyrannical ecosystem is a pain in the nice person. There's no perfect device/world. Pick your poison and go with it.
I've had the iPhone for nearly two years and I haven't found a single phone that I would choose over the iPhone. Many people would disagree with me but the iPhone did not achieve its success merely because it is made by Apple. It is successful because its a GREAT phone. Now imagine if that phone was available on other networks? True the ATT network leaves little to be desired but most of the time I don't have a problem. I think it is the folks that live in highly congested urban areas that are experiencing connectivity issues (think Manhattan). If you are brave you can jailbreak your iPhone (very easy) and it opens up the operating system to a vast array of third party programs which will further fine tune the phone to your likings. I am able to tether my phone to a laptop (free with jailbreak) and the APP store has over 140,000 APPs and counting. No other phone has access to that amount of applications. I never had to even read a manual for the iPhone because it is so intuitive. Every other smartphone I've played around with (Droid too) has a bit of a learning curve. Heck, the Blackberry still is not user friendly to me. There will always be Apple haters just like there are Prius haters. Trust me when I tell you that you're not being a sheep because you're getting an iPhone it's just a marvelous piece of tech that will blow everything else out of the water when the new version is released this summer. I really hope a version will be available on Verizon but that is all speculation at this point. I haven't read anything to convince me that they will be getting a CDMA version this summer. If they do, I'll be the first to convert.
I never figured you for a sheep, E. Live & learn, I guess. Awesome that you have both. Your input will be invaluable! That's something for me to keep in mind. If I decide to go with the iPhone, I might as well stick with AT&T. I can't imagine that the 4G will only be available on Verizon. Yeah, I know it's not for sheep and I'm not really a hater. If I were I'd just get a droid & be done with it. It's a phenomenal piece of technology that's unmatched. But, much like some Prius owners, there are iPhone owners that exude far more smugness than necessary. And I'm surrounded by owners who act like having an iPhone makes them part of some exclusive club. That kind of behavior just annoys the snot out of me ... and makes me want to get something else just to be contrary. One thing that makes the iPhone appealing to me is the design. Apple is a design company after all ... as opposed to Google being an engineering company. That difference clearly shows. That's why the iPhone tends to be more intuitive. I know the iPhone has a huge lead in the app marketplace. But that's only because of the lead they had in introducing the phone. I believe the open source-ness of the Android OS will allow developers to quickly close the app gap. Honestly, if AT&T hadn't screwed the pooch by replacing google with yahoo on the Motorola Backflip & putting a bunch of AT&T bloatware on the phone with no way to remove it, I'd probably be leaning that way. Considering I don't have a QWERTY phone right now, anything will be an improvement! This is great information to know! I don't anticipate being an overly heavy web user ... but if go either route, I'm sure that will change. Now for a question that no one seems to ask about cell phones anymore ... how's the call quality? I know some of that is based on the cell network & signal strength. Does one phone drop calls more than the other? That sort of thing. Thanks again, E. I really appreciate it. Even if you are a
Let me add one other frustration I've had...I can NOT get my music on the stinking Droid...I've tried 3 different machines, have looked at multiple online things to make sure I have the proper settings on the Droid, but no matter what I can't find the Droid as a attached hard drive on the computer... My wife has an iPod and just uses that for music, it wasn't a major issue for her whether the Droid had music or not, but i use my iPhone for music a lot and if I had those issues I've had with the Droid I've have put the thing into a wall by now! Like I said, I know lots of people have had no issues at all, and it's probably user error, but it's certainly not a super easy/intuitive process.
The iPhone excels in many ways except for the "phone" part. I'd say it's only average in that department. I find call quality not as good as the G1, and ATTM is not the best of networks either. Since I don't talk on the phone a lot, mediocre call quality doesn't bother me. The iPod function, which I use much more, is very good. I just don't like being forced to use iTunes, although I must say its Smart Playlist feature is great. BTW, you really can't jailbreak a 3GS (not permanently, anyway). If the phone is turned off you have to re-jailbreak the thing again.
I've seen this in my research online, too. Not as big a deal for me. I have a nano for my portable music. As a runner that suit me a lot better than something larger. When I'm at a PC, I have all my music on an external hard drive. But if I go to the gym I might want the phone to do double duty when I'm on the treadmill. Thanks!
We're getting off topic, but that is absolutely not true. My 3GS is jailbroken and I turn it off regularly without problem. I used BlackRa1n, it was very fast, very easy. Only issues have been when they update the firmware you can't sync to the new firmware or you'll blow your jailbreak and they don't have a very good jailbreak for 3.1.3 out yet. I have a little app installed that spoofs iTunes into thinking I already have 3.1.3 (it even says so when you look at the info section of the iPhone), but I'm really just jailbroken 3.1.2.
Winamp is a media player you install on the PC. It recognizes my G1 when I plug it into the PC, then I can "Send" audio files to the phone via a menu option. Pretty straightforward. http://www.winamp.com/
I have a business acquaintance who calls on his Iphone in San Fran and I can only understand half of what he says. Once he called and dropped the signal 3 times in a few minutes. The third time I still had my phone to my ear as he rang back.I have an extremely LOUD ringer go off in my ear. I have a Palm Pre and its pretty good. Sound and signal quality are excellent. Rumor is that on Verizon they are offering free mobile hotspot tethering up to 5mbs per month .