JVC NX7000 HU install in Prius III questions

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by fairfieldwizard, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. fairfieldwizard

    fairfieldwizard New Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Central Connecticut
    2010 Prius
    I'm going to replacing my JBL HU with the JVC NX7000 this weekend. I'm a little short on time so I was hoping to knock this out in a couple of hours. IN addition to the HU, I bought the PAC-TATO, PAC-SWI, Sirius adapter, Sirius connect and a backup camera. I skipped the bluetooth. I haven't taken anything apart yet, but it seems like a lot of stuff to jam in there. Plus, I see that many of these items come with a LOT of wiring. Like there's a 20+ foot cable for the satellite antenna, and for the cable that appears to go between the two satellite boxes and for the GPS antenna. I did download a ton of service manual pages from techinfo/toyota, but the line drawings seem pretty useless.

    Could I get some enlightenment from the experts here?:

    1. What kind of space is available in the dash?
    2. Can I cut the connectors off any of the cables to shorten them? I'm assuming this might be possible for the GPS and satellite antennas.
    3. If you did an install like this, where did you put everything?
    4. On my 2005 Prius, Circuit City installed a Sirius receiver. The antenna (a tiny 1 x 1 x 1 magnetic cube type thing) ended up on the roof right against the center of the windshield with the wire tucked behind the black rubber windshield trim. It looked great and still works great but I'll be darned if I can figure out how they got that wire inside the car without damaging the windshield sealing. Any ideas?
    5. Did you put the satellite components in the same area as the radio or did you locate them elsewhere?
    6. Is it possible to use the factory XM satellite antenna with the Sirius radio since it's already properly located?
    7. If you installed a backup camera, how did you run the wiring? Did you have remove panels or did you do the "tuck behind the trim" thing?
  2. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    1. There is a lot of room behind the head unit. Things get messy though. I tie wrapped things together.
    2. I followed abl's lead and put the gps antenna on top of the head unit. really easy and it gets satellites fine. I don't think you should cut antenna cables, I'm not completely sure how to splice them correctly.. There is room for wires, but it gets messy.
    3. I just shoved it all in, but I don't have satellite. You can easily put things in the console or glove box if you need more room, or follow toyota's lead and put things under the drivers seat.
    4. There are parts that snap off that you can run things under. I did not do the winshield so I'm not sure of the procedure.
    5. don't know
    6. don't know
    7. There is a European document for installation of nav lhs that shows how to run everything. The camera was a PITA. I ran the cable under the passenger door trims, then up the side, through the rubber connector in the hatch. To get the cable through the rubber connector, I finally ran picture wire through, twisted it, then pulled the wires. All the trim on the hatch snaps off to get it to the camera area. But many of the connector pieces were left behind. There is a puller tool for those plastic parts that you may need, to remove them and reinstall. The main install was fine and I'm glad I did it. It took me around 3 hours to install just the camera and best buy would have done it for $85 and no headache. If your more experienced with these panels it may be easier for you.

    Good luck with your installation. I think you will be very happy with it.

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  3. GeoGeek

    GeoGeek Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    Auburndale, FL
    2010 Prius
    DO NOT try cutting & splicing the antenna cables.....it is not the same as splicing regular wires.....if you have a lot of slack, bundle it up with wire ties but be careful not to kink them.
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  4. ABL

    ABL Member

    Nov 9, 2009
    San Jose Ca.
    2010 Prius
    1. You have enough room to fit the HU and all the stuff Just take your time and do a trial run for a good fit. Then cable wrap as required. Plan ahead If you are going to add a sub run the sub line out from the JVC you can add the sub later. Also double check all your connections and verify the system is all working before you button it all up.
    2. Do not cut any connections.
    3. Satellite Antenna is on the dash run through the glove box. XM micro receiver is in the glove box. Bluetooth is behind the HU. GPS is on top of the HU.
    4. I was going to use the factory ant but the XM on the dash works just fine.
    5. BUC was a PITA This was my first mod and I removed all the panels (erquired) in the cargo space to complete.
    6. Just take your time and everything should work out fine. If you are concerned dis-connect the neg battery cable during the installation.
    7.Review preveious installations
    8.Good Luck Have fun and post pics

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  5. ABL

    ABL Member

    Nov 9, 2009
    San Jose Ca.
    2010 Prius
    BTW PACTATO is behind the HU and SWC is stuffed in the center consol.