I have an 07. and my US-based display looks a little different than others I've see (from pictures in the forums). I do NOT have the option of deleting old phone profiles - I have 6 slots for phones, and they are all taken up. I have a new Blackberry Bold 9700, and I cannot get it to pair. I am begging to suspect the reason is that all my bluetooth slots are taken, and I cannot figure out how to delete or modify the ones that are there (I can only change the phone name, not the device ID #, or get a choice to add/delete). Any ideas?
I have the exact same problem. does anyone know how to delete a phone profile - my slots are all taken and it won't le me add my wifes iphone. thanks in advance
solved it. go to Info, phone, settings, bluetooth- there you press delete. oNce you do that it will list all 6 phones- select and delete. THEN you can add you new phone- same procedure as a bove but instead of delete press REGISTER. Take care, Grady
Even REGISTER is not easy. First, enter the name of the new device you are setting up. In my case it was the iPhone 6. It took a few times toggling back-and-forth but the auto connect mode finally recognized my device I knew this when I saw the newly-entered name appear under Settings-Bluetooth-My Devices on the phone. Now here was the tricky part--to enter The passcode I had to The passcode I had to click the field on the phone
Works fine on my 06, but just bought an 08 & it allows me to delete previous owner's 3 phones & register my phone UNTIL I turn car off & wait over 2 minutes. When I turn car back on, the original 3 deleted phones have returned & one I registered is missing
My wife wanted to know how to upload the phone numbers from here galaxy S5 Note to the Prius Nav/Phone system. Well she has a boatload of numbers so there had to be a way top upload the whole lots of groups in the Samsung Phone but it took some doing. Luckily the Internet has examples of how do do it as long as you know which version of OS you have. Was it Lollipop or KitKat..hers was the LandMine vers 2 I think..just kiddin'.....Once I wrote the sequence she was on her own.....checked our 09 and 04 Pius with my Snapon Solus Ultra.....wow....no codes not even a missfire...for used cars....impressive for cars we bought last month...for now..lol! 09 has 125k and mine the 04 has 215K for miles.