Do you think that if I were to swap out the current engine in my prius and placed an LS1 5.7L v8 in it i'd still be able to use the hybrid technologies? Can someone explain this for me?
No, for the following reasons: 1) It wouldn't fit. 2) The engine is an integral part of the HSD. 3) The PSD wouldn't take the torque. 4) It would be too heavy. Tom Some company tried this, this is the result. [OK, they used a 6.0L Vortec V8]
Sure, no problem. You would leave the existing 4-banger and hybrid system strictly alone. It is all very tightly integrated and swapping out major components for different parts is too much work to be worth the result. What you do with that big V-8 is mount it in the rear and use it just to drive the rear wheels. Mounting it almost over the rear axle gives you good rear traction, no real need for a spoiler. You can leave off the starter and roll start it using the existing motor. Now when you are rolling around town at 30 mph you just leave the V-8 turned off, no one knows it's there. When you get to someplace where you can really open it up you start up the rear drive and away you go! Bet you could win a bit of money taking on ricers with it. There are only three or four of these bad boys in the known world, so you'll have the first in your area, they'll never see you coming. (EG) You will also need to do some work on the suspension, past 100 MPH the car feels mushy and does not turn well, too much *&^!! body roll. Mouse around here for "stiffener plate". Also, if you have the center of mass for the new motor to the rear of the back axle the steering tends to get lite. Don't forget to post pics!
the prius is FWD, the LS1 is used on RWD applications. If your looking for a hybrid to soup up, look at the gs450h or the accord hybrid, the gs450h is RWD and utilizes a toyota GR series v6, while the accord hybrid is a plain old IMA hybrid which has a lot of potential.
Actually I think it could be done (short of the fact that it would not fit). You would need a custom interface between the toyota ECU and the sensors on the GM motor but that is not really a big deal.
I'm not sure you've driven them but I see it a little differently. The 600h is definitely very powerful and has some awesome tech. But if you want to go fast and have more of a sporting experience, the 450h is for you. The GS is faster in acceleration tests and you can definitely feel it. You should try them out! Super fun to drive.
I drove the GS450h and it was a blast. They did not have any ls600h's on the lot or within 100miles of the dealer so we could not test drive one of those. Anyways, the LS was not what we were looking for so we didnt press them to bring one in for us to test I just assumed the LS was faster with the bigger engine and all. But looking it up, you are correct. 5.5seconds with the LS vs 5.2seconds for the GS 0-100kph. Both are impressive cars. I wonder when we can expect a LFA hybrid?