I'd like to pose a question to the group. I'm getting ready to replace the JBL head (with a JVC KW-NX7000 but I digress) in my Prius III. The car has 100 miles on it, so the JBL radio is new. I have no particular love for the JBL amp and speakers. They're ok, but I can take or leave them. I did buy the Pac-TATO so that I can use the JVC head with the JBL amp. The JVC has a built-in amp that will power speakers very nicely too, except that if took the amp out, I think I'd have to do some considerable rewiring. That's not necessarily a problem either. I plan to recoup some of my costs by selling the JBL head on eBay. I suspect there will be some interest by Prius II owners. Here's my question: Should I sell just the JBL radio or do you suppose the value increases substantially if I sell the radio and the amp?
The "radio only" would only be useful to someone who already has the JBL system and just needs a new head unit (like the guy who cracked his Nav screen.....I'm assuming that your's is a Nav unit). The radio plus amp (I would think) would be more marketable to someone with the Non-JBL system, as you need to have both units together in order for either of them to work; however, keep in mind that if you sold both then you'd have 8 (factory JBL) speakers that need to be driven by 8 channels of crossed over signal....which you're not going to get from your JVC head unit. You could send the full range signal coming off your JVC head unit to those factory JBL speakers, but it's going to sound lousy, as those speakers are designed to play only a specific range of frequencies. If you're going to use the JVC speaker levels outputs, you're going to want to put in aftermarket speakers designed to play full range....and if you're going to do that then you're really going to want to amplify them with an aftermarket amp.
I have the NX7000 with the Tato and it works great with the JBL amp It will drive all speakers and sounds great. Suggest you keep the amp. and also add a sub as`I did via the sub out on the JVC unit. BTW a great choice. Jim
Thank you gentlemen. I was disappointed with the sound off the JBL system in my '05 Prius. I finally did my first drive today in my '10 III and clearly they fixed the problem. It came with a trial subscription to XM and the sound is terrific. I'm not shy about admitting that over my 30 years of car ownership, I've been known to buy a car on the basis of the sound of the audio system. ABL, I made my choice of the JVC HU after reading your posts on this forum. Thanks a lot. I think it's going to be awesome. I'll let you know how installation goes.
I don't know if you're referring to the nav unit or just the audio unit, but since it's mint, it may be more valuable in a few years, once some units start breaking.
It's the radio unit alone. I couldn't rationalize the +2,000 cost of Toyota's nav system. It's not installed yet, but I got a fabulous deal on the JVC- complete system including JBL adapter, Sirius tuner, backup camera for around $900.
Sure. It's coming out of my 2010 Prius III with 260 miles on it this weekend. What else can I tell you?