I wouldn't cross the street to meet Daniel, but his cat seems pretty cool. (jk! His cat is a total dick!)
It should be noted that approximately 50 of us traveled to Detroit last year to meet Daniel and, despite being offered an all-expenses paid trip to meet us in Detroit, Daniel STOOD US UP. I say screw him. Never again.
Great. You're invited. You get here and I'll pick up the tab at the Indian restaurant. I don't do sheep. You're invited, too. As above, I'll pick up the restaurant tab. Sounds doable. I'm not much good at crosswords either. I have a jumbline app on my iTouch and I'm lousy at it. I'm even worse at scrabble and boggle. NZ is on my long list of places to visit again. Not on the short list right now. I had good reason! And I didn't stood anybody up. I announced upon first receiving the invitation that there was a scheduling conflict. And besides, they were going to make us fly coach. And it was going to be in Detroit, of all places. Cities that big terrify me. I lived for 25 years outside of a town of 80 people. Fargo was the big city. They should have had the event in Spokane. Or even Coeur d'Alene. I'd have attended if it had been in Coeur d'Alene. Seriously, big cities scare me!
Well, that pretty much means Daniel can't come and visit me. My village has a population of 600. If you include the whole township it's more like 1,500. That many people would throw Daniel into apoplexy. Tom
About 20 years ago I had a chance to visit D.C. The idea scared me so much I found an excuse not to go. A few years after that, it was Chicago. I had a friend there I really wanted to see, but I could not overcome my fear, and again, took a handy excuse that offered itself, and didn't go. I've been to Madrid a number of times, while I was living in Seville, but could not bring myself to go to Paris. I spent a few weeks in Madison, WI, and a week or so in Milwaukee, but I skedaddled out of Milwaukee fast. Amsterdam is not too bad because there are electric trolley cars. Guadalajara was too big for me, so at the end of my semester at the university there I fled back to much smaller Queretaro.
I'm even more interesting if you bring beer. But wait... don't I scareyou any? Like Tony? Even just a little bit? I've been working on my mean side. There goes your big, bad rep Tony! Certainly not how I heard it!
Oh goody. I love Scrabble. Nah, he's not scary. I like intelligent people who aren't afraid to say what they think. Ohh...that's what you're afraid of. Take it like a man, Tom. Tight, revealing clothing is a privilege, not a right. Plus, where Darell lives, it's always Spandex season.
oh i would go 150 miles or so i guess. any farther than that, i would either have to fly or spend the night... hmmm, now that i think of it, make that 120 miles
Who would be scared of a guy who rides a bicycle, has PVs on his roof, drives an EV, and has even installed a fake plug on his daughter's toy car? Wrong thread. Octavia is the other thread.
Spokane's not a small place either. Big enough I got a bit turned around the time I was downtown. Those other cities you mention are fair sized as well, if you can handle Amsterdam, you can handle DC. They have a good public transportation system, and once you get downtown, you just walk around anyway, looking at the monuments and such. I always had sore legs after visiting D.C. Just think of a big city as a bunch of small neighborhoods that happen to be next to each other. My uncle is like you. He lives on a farm outside a town of 290 people, 40 miles from the "city" of Bemidji, with about 14,000 people in it where you can go shopping for things like shoes or go to a fast-food restaurant. He came to visit me one time, and we're on the outer suburbs of Chicago. I drove him and my cousin to the airport (O'Hare) and he was just amazed at the traffic, and exclaiming how could anyone handle that. Keep in mind this was Saturday morning with light traffic. But once we got to the airport (and my other uncle's incoming flight was delayed) he was pretty interested in the free automated electric train that goes out to the long-term parking, and we took that back and forth a few times.
Hi Octavia Please clarify your post. You: like scrabble? like intelligent people? do not fear darelldd? wear spandex? Oh, and PS Awww, the feeling's mutual O.