I'm interested in an alternative ways of measuring Prius fuel-efficiency which is NOT taking distance traveled into account. For example, I could have my car stopped and keep engine working for an hour (turn A/C on). What it would show is the infinite (99 l/100 km) consumption (ridiculous). I want to know the name of the measurement for static engines (something like litres/second or litres/one full rotation) and maybe the way to convert one to another. Thanks.
In the marine/boating worlds, they use "gallons per hour" as an efficiency measure. This because there can be a large environmental component in how much distance a vessel/boat covers per unit time. These forces can either help or hinder: wind, tide, and current.
That's what I've been looking for, but didn't know the exact name. For conversion see this: hxxp://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_convert_gallons_per_hour_to_mpg I believe that Prius originally measures the consumption in GPH and then converts to MPG. So, question: is there a way to see GPH in the Prius MFD? Some hidden info accessible by pressing corners of the screen three times?
- You can find the G/hr (gallons per hour) by dividing MPH by MPG. For example if you're getting 55MPG and driving at 45 MPH then you are using 45/55 = 0.818 Gallons/hour - You can find L/hr (litres per hour) by multiplying L/100k by km/hr and dividing the answer by 100. For example if you're using 4.5L per 100k and driving at 90km/h then you are using 4.5*90/100 = 4.05 Litres/hour.