Since I got the JBL installed (it's an optional accessory here), the USB connection stopped working, so I would like to have look behind the unit to check if all connections are in place. Is there some sort of guide on how to do this or someone could just give me a few directions? Thank you.
Read any of the plethora of threads here on replacing HU... It's VERY simple. in basic - you'll remove (unsnap) trim pieces around the shift, side of radio etc. Then you will need a deep socket/extension (10mm) to remove the four bolts holding the radio in, and it pulls out so you can see the wires in back. Re-plug your USB cable, and you're goo to go. There are many pictures that show how this is done. As a hint - wrap electrical tape over the tip of a flat standard screw driver to avoid any 'scuffs' when you start the removal - everything else just pulls apart (gently).