Does anyone have any leads on how to trasnfer the contact list from the Droid to the contact list in the 2010 Prius with the navigation package?
See this post - I would think it will work on the Droid just like it did with my HTC Hero. Good luck!
Any luck in trying to upload contacts from the Droid. I've read on a few forums that a future update will be coming to fix the issue with transferring Contacts over Bluetooth See this link News: OTA Droid Updates coming Dec 11th
The Bluetooth File Transfer v1.97 Android App did the trick for transfering contacts to the Gen III Prius. I did have to export my contacts to a vCard file and that seemed to work fine with the BT Add Contacts in the Phonebook management for the Nav. Its a silly 2 step process but it works and hopefully Verizon's Future OTA update for the Droid fixes these nuisances.
Try this Viro P.S. Yes I am aware the last post was in November, just trying to cross-link so anyone searching for this information won't have a hard time finding it.
Once the Droid is Paired with the Prius. Go to page 264 of your Navigation Owners Manual go to step 4 Cantacts Select Transfer Contacts Once you do that the Droid responds (as if your getting a message) unlock the droid. and with your finger scrolled the top of the droid to see the message you got. The droid is prompting you to continue transferring contacts click onto that prompt and with in a few seconds the transferring process will be complete. It worked fine for me. I just bought the Prius it's a 2010. Good luck!
Correct. Once the Droid is paired with the Prius, go to the phone screen, press Contacts, press Manage Contacts and then press Transfer Contacts. Make sure you OK the operation on the Droid. All contacts on the Droid should then be transferred to the Prius. hope this helps.
I'm trying to transfer contacts from my Droid2 to my 2010 Prius w/Nav, but no go. Has anyone done this with a Droid2? I've been through the process outlined in the above as well as the Blue Tooth Transfer app. you can download, but no success yet. I think I'm close because when I initiate the transfer in the car, the phone gives a message at the top of the screen, "phonebook access request", but then the car times out with no transfer. I've succesfully paired the phone with the car and the hands-free audio works fine, just no phonebook transfer. Maybe someone with a Droid2 or DroidX can advise--thanks!
I ended up downloading the Bluetooth File Transfer App from the Market (it's free) onto my Droid 2. Once the phone has been paired with the car you do the following: Set the car to accept the file transfer On the Droid: Open the Bluetooth File Transfer Click on Options and select More Select Send Contacts All of you contacts will appear Select Options to Select All Select Send As Multiple and send them on their way. The 110 contacts I had took less than 1 minute to tranfer.