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Question from wrecked Alaskan Prius owner

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by lemonade, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    That would be a very expensive backup generator, LOL :)

    When you go and do your testing, if you have one, take a long a video recorder and set it up on a stable tripod of something. Just to have a video log in case something does happen.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Harold Bien

    Harold Bien Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Stony Brook, NY
    2010 Prius
    As others have posted, the first thing one would have to rule out is pedal mis-application. You were already alternating between brake and accelerator, increasing the odds of a sime mistake. When the car unexpectedly accelerated, the natural reaction is to press the brKes harder. If you had the wrong pedal, this would only make things worse. Are you absolutely sure you were not braking when the event happened, and that you definitely switched pedals when the car took off? As has been demonstrated several times already, the backup mechanical brake system on the Prius should have been more than sufficient to stop a slow moving albeit fast accerating prius. The fact that you then struck the van twice is indicative of continued forward acceleration of your car, again consistent with accelrator pedal application.

    I'm not doubting your story, and am not accusing you of driver error, but as others have pointed out it's difficult to eliminate this possibity and when the odds are better for a simple pedal mis-application than a complex intermittent fault coupled with a scenario tha increases the chance of user error, I cannot blame Toyota for leaning to driver error first.

    Nevertheless, I do hope that everything works to your satisfaction. The proper thong to do for Toyota would be to swap your prius with another simarly used prius and then examine Your prius closely. They have to pick wisely however as the odds R
    are Against them since the likelihood of driver error is so great.

    This reminds me of the buffalo crash where the pilot may have thouht the stick pusher was actually aerodynamic forces from a tailplane stall resulting in a fatal mishap by applying the opposite control force.
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  3. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    Thank you for the suggestions and at least being nice. I just got called a troll in another forum, so will stay in this one. It's frustrating to try to describe without pictures.

    I was driving about walking speed. There were a few car lengths between me and the other vehicle and since this was last year, I will not even speculate on how many. But I was back there, as the pictures I took to court showed and the tracks on the road.

    Maybe I didn't explain myself well. Both of us were in the turn lane, but I had not yet started my turn because he was still ahead of me - my wheels are straight in the picture. And I think that's why the officer asked if I was speeding because of all the damage, spilled fluids, etc. As in "why is there this much damage if you weren't speeding?" Well, I wasn't intentionally speeding. And I didn't even look at my odometer because I was too busy panicking, so I don't know how fast I hit him at.

    I agree with you on turning at 25 mph, and don't do that except on the highway. We were both just creeping along. At the time, it was just a really scary thing I wanted to forget, so I tried to. All the recent publicity is bringing it back and making me more and more afraid of what I concede might be a perfectly good car. But I don't KNOW - and that is why I'm scared buggy about it. And I think that is what the guy who insulted me doesn't get: I am NOT after money, I just want to feel safe in my car, especially since all the publicity has probably made it impossible to sell except at a huge loss.

    Oh, and re the pilots in my former job: No, I would not have given them a letter. But once we got past the swearing (hey, I'm just the messenger - I managed contracts), some of the more helpful ones suggested different test profiles to fly and we were eventually able to duplicate a few (but not all) of the problems. So then, I had the contractors mad at me too. Can't win for losing.

    Sorry to be so long winded. I will try the things you suggested. Oh, and the dash lights are the least of my worries. I agree they are probably a thermal thing because the problem only happens when it's really cold and spring is finally coming. The dealer still has my car, but I AM going to call them one more time and ask about some of the more "out there" theories I have found on this board.

    Thank you again for being pleasant. I don't think I'll post anywhere but the Newby forum any more - will just lurk in the other ones.
  4. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    Hello Harold,

    I am better than 99% sure my foot was on the brake before the first impact. Both of us were just above crawl speed, I have narrow feet, and the pedals do feel different. Plus I had no need to stand on the brake until after it sped up without my permission, for lack of a better word. So that part, I was willing to swear to under oath, which I take seriously because of my religion.

    After it bounced (and I am speculating now about something I made a real effort to forget), does it make sense that my body got tossed around a little and my foot might have left the brake? Because I can't say with a clear conscience that I really remember. So I really don't know where my foot was just before the second impact and I kind of think it was probably flopping around in the air.

    I said in an earlier post that when I realized it was going to hit again, I just "gave up", so anything I might say about whether I was on a pedal or which pedal would be guessing. But since I did hurt my ankle, I am guessing my feet got tossed around and that there is at least a chance my car was accelerating on its own.

    And somebody (forgot who, sorry) had an interesting question about grit on the road. It was a commercial area, combined with a little bit of volcanic ash that was still drifting around (but not a lot - the big eruption had been a months ago and there was only some minor windborne ash drifting around - minimal). But ash, I just found out, is conductive or whatever the word, so it makes me wonder about the electronics, which I don't understand well.

    I'll try the things you suggested when I get my car back. In fact, I am almost to the point of seeing if I can get a police officer to take it for a run on their test track if they have one.

    At this point, I just want to know. Is my car safe or did I mess up? The not knowing is the scary part. I can understand why so many people want it to be driver error. This was my third Toyota and I would still buy another one, but probably an older model without the fancy electronics.
  5. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    If you refer to the post #59 by Apriusfan in this thread http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-hybrid-news/77881-toyota-drivers-suing-in-us-full-refund-6.html I don't think he was calling you a troll. I believe it was a "tongue in cheek" reference to the fact that at least one other new poster was trashed and driven completely off of Prius Chat because she was upset that she ran out of gas and the car wouldn't restart for her.

    Here is the thread if you are interested in what took place: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...rius-v-out-gas-need-clarification-please.html
    1 person likes this.
  6. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    Thanks. I don't think I'll bother reading it because there are few things sillier than arguing on the internet with people I don't even know. But thank you - if it was "tongue in cheek", that didn't come across, so I just decided not to go back there.

    And this forum is interesting enough that worst case, I'd just lurk - and probably stay here where I feel safe.
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  7. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
  8. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    Thank you very much to the people who have helped me with information. There is a lot of good information here and I appreciate it.

    I asked the dealer to specifically look at those areas when I took it in Tues morning. They went over everything mentioned here, plus the electronics and the computer codes stored. Got my car back today with " at this point this car is safe to drive" in writing and the general manager picked up the loaner while they were working on it. So I admire them for doing that, and would buy from them again.

    But I still think something strange DID happen to me last summer. However, since practically the whole front end of my car was rebuilt and the computer was worked on, maybe they fixed whatever the problem was. Is this plausible? If so, then great.

    And I still don't think the problem was me. When I picked up my car, it is very obvious which pedal is which. I was thinking about having a friend spin me in circles until I'm dizzy, then have him gently toss me into my car and tell me which pedal to step on when I land. I think I'll get it right. It's that intuitive and I have narrow feet. ( Although it wouldn't really replicate the accident because I was panicked then and I wouldn't be if I were letting somebody throw me around on purpose.)

    So - this is a good forum with good information, and has been very helpful. Thank you to the people who were pleasant and answered my questions, even though I got the feeling most thought it was driver error. I believe I was well treated by the dealership, who at least believed me enough to check out the car's electronics and computer codes, as opposed to Toyota corporate. But since it has all been repaired since the accident, it didn't prove anything about the pre-accident state of my car, or am I missing something fundamental? I guess it doesn't really matter, because what I want is to feel safe NOW.

    So, would the most rational thing to do be to just take the dealer at his word? I am inclined to do so, or would that be naive? Back to lurking, but I think there are two sides to everything and I am still baffled, but feeling a little safer. I just wish Toyota would focus less on trying to discredit the victims and at least consider that they might have a problem. I'm glad this forum exists, anyway.
  9. usbseawolf2000

    usbseawolf2000 HSD PhD

    Sep 22, 2004
    Fort Lee, NJ
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    It is great to see how the dealer is treating you. Do you mind disclosing your age? It doesn't have to be exact (early or late term is fine).
  10. OneMoreCoffee

    OneMoreCoffee New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
    2008 Prius
    If the first impact does not kill your engine and motor, the second impact can occur if you remove your foot from the brake while leaving the car in Drive mode.

    It sounds stupid but it happened to me also following an accident. Basically some lunatic pulled out in front of me from a side road when I was at about 60kph - completely his fault. The Prius saved me from any severe injury. But I was in pretty bad shock and didnt realise that the car was still alive and in Drive Mode because it is so quiet.

    I just jumped out to check the other guy was okay... missed all the warning buzzers - and the car continued on its merry way without me! Had to chase it to put the brake on. Fortunately there was no second impact. But I can imagine that something similar could have happened after your impact if your foot slipped from the brake pedal.

    I guess Toyota had to make a choice between disabling all power after a first impact or allowing the user to control and bring the car to a safe stop. I think they made the right choice. It is just that the driver needs to be aware and not panic after the accident. Perhaps for more severe accidents the system shuts off completely - but I dont fancy testing this!

    What you have to be familiar with is the Prius can move significantly and quietly once it is Drive mode if your foot is not on or slips from the brake. I think a lot of drivers do not use the Neutral and Park options properly.
    1 person likes this.
  11. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    If the first impact is hard enough, all power will be disabled.

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  12. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Yes, my father-in-law described it that way. They have a 2010. He said the car didn't stop slowing, the pedal just seemed to suddenly sink toward the floor. Recall done, brakes now as he would expect from any car.
  13. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Lemonade, your dealer did more than I expected. With enough practice & real driving you'll feel better about the car and they probably replaced enough parts so the Evil Spirits have been chased away.
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  14. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    @ One More Coffee -- Thought I'd check back to see if there was any new information. Have been experimenting with my car to see if I could make it happen again and have not been able to. So maybe they fixed it at the dealer - who really did treat me very well (as opposed to Toyota).

    You had an interesting comment about Toyota deciding not to disable power after first impact. I don't remember what vehicle line it was because I've been reading too much, but one of them is designed to fail "safe" instead (the opposite approach). Are you speculating (like I am), or is this a design flaw that can be fixed? Someone I know said he read that the computer chip that decides what braking system to use might be faulty. Me - I don't know. I'm majoring in logistics, not mechanical engineering.

    I guess I should just be glad I wasn't hurt, but am still trying to decide whether to keep it or not, so that's why I came back here to look. Kind of hope gas prices go up this summer; it would restore my resale value.
  15. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius
    Do you know how hard "hard enough" is? Because my car was still running and I had to be told to shut it off because all the fluids were draining out.
  16. lemonade

    lemonade New Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    2007 Prius

    Sorry to digress, but that actually made me laugh about the Evil Spirits. I guess it's as good an explanation as anything else, and is the only thing remotely funny about this whole mess. I still think something was badly wrong, but there's been so much work on it that I'll probably never know unless Toyota figures it out and makes it public.

    And I have actually been trying to make it happen again in the WalMart parking lot (going slow like I was - with nothing around to hit) and so far, have not been able to. I tried using both feet - one on gas and one on brake at the same time intentionally, and the brake DID stop the car after the dealer worked on the car.

    So - Evil Spirits. :) Maybe I'll take it to the cathedral and have it blessed.