So I leased a II in Winter Gray but I wish I'd opted for the III in Blizzard Pearl. In three years, my goal is to hopefully get up to the V in the pearl. I love my car but I almost wish I'd gotten it in the pearl... ...Has anyone else had similar "I wish..." moments regarding their Prius?
You should be deciding what to do about your financial situation for three years rather than what car you'll get in three years. Once you take care of that, you should be able to afford any trim in your color choice, hopefully paid for in cash that you've saved up for three years.
I am fairly in control of my own life, thank you. This was supposed to be a light-hearted question, not commentary about my personal finances. :frown: But thank you.
Look on the bright side, you can upgrade it with an after-market unit that gives better bang for the buck.
SO true , if we can not have dreams , whats the fun My wife was not high on white cars but when she saw the pearl in sun it was :cheer2: Grey was out, it get for keeping clean BUT there too much grey in the world and we want some colour Look at the red but we could only get it with the beige interior and that was not going to happen Then thought of the blue but the wife thought we my get tired of the blue so it was back to pearl which is sooooo
Hi Tara, I had an Alero before the Prius and the official name of the colour was Autumn Mist (sounds really good). It looked great in the dealer's lot at night but eventually it became just brown. So yes I've been there, but lucky for you you can focus on the great car you have in the Prius. Enjoy,
I wish I went all out with the prius v. I have a prius ii right now but want to get every feature known to man for the prius v at sometime.
Yeah....I wish the color of Bliz Pearl matched better between the metal body and plastic fenders. Thankfully it doesn't stand out in all lighting situations. Worse when sun is low on horizon don't know why. Oh still looks awesome with tinted windows.
Well the good news is that your view of the car is 99% inside so if you like the look inside then all's fine.
I got the black but ever since I saw a metalic pearl on the road I feel in love with the Pearl. I know what you mean. Unfortunately I can't trade up because mine is the highest model here and with all accessories fitted. Well some left but not that I care about them .
You've given very bad advice. You should never pay cash-in-full for assets that depreciate (e.g. - brand new cars). It's best to finance those. Pay cash for assets that appreciate. picturesmith
Yes, I have a regret ... I regret having purchased the 3rd. Gen Prius. Should have ended it with the 2nd Gen. At least then, I would have continued thinking about Toyota in a positive light. Complaint Results: Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) picturesmith
It's not that simple. You can't boil it down to one pat answer. It all depends on the finance rate, ROI, tax situation, and a host of other factors. Tom
This sort of advice is so misguided and a little shallow. That is advice that might work for you. Using words like never do this, or do only this in an opinion is not cool. Would you have me finance my car when the finance guy says he needs my left nut on a platter and a gallon of blood? (22% interest) Financing worked for you. Congrats. I am cash heavy and the markets are questionable when it comes to long term returns. I payed cash. I could have payed cash for a Prius V or a SL65 AMG for that matter, but I felt that my situation was better served to be a little more frugal so I got the III with no options. Sorry to rip on you, but too many people throw out opinions and think if they phrase it just right that they can will it into fact. Back on topic, I regret not getting the moonroof. I couldn't bring myself to pay for the GPS too and I KNEW I would very infrequently use the remote AC and the Solar powered ventilation was too gimicky. I just wanted the fresh air damn it! In the end, I HAD the money to do it, but I opted to be frugal and save instead. When I am old and in a nicer nursing home I will be glad I did. I hope.