What do you do with your fob when inside your Prius? I keep house and mailbox keys with the fob. I don't like to put them in a pocket or potentially get them lost in a purse. I'll get out of the car to pick up my mail and continue on to other errands. This afternoon I while sitting in the car wondering what convenient thing to do with the fob I might discover I decided on the little 'pocket-like' area that forms in the drivers door release handle. What do you think? Any pros & cons?
I keep the fob separate from other keys, with it`s own little key chain. For now I am keeping it in my coat pocket in the car - once it is warmer I imagine I will keep it in the key pocket of my purse. (All my purses have one - a little outer pocket with button or zipper to out something small like keys in so they don`t get lost) Leaving the fob out somewhere inside the car with the potential to fall and go under the seat or simply be forgotten at first when I get out of the car is something I don`t want to do.
I only have 3 keys with my fob so I keep the entire set in my pocket. Not sure why you'd even take your keys out when you're entering the vehicle since that defeats the purpose of SKS.
The shelf below the shifter is a good spot for it!! Also works well for cell phones, ipods, and such.I wrap a rubber band around my fob so doesn't slide out of my pocket when wearing sweatpants or shorts!!
As Tideland alluded: where is the fob when you're *not* in the car? And why move it from that location when you are inside the car? I must be missing something.
It's in my hand because I just locked the front door. (And yes, now we want an SKS front door!) I want to remind y'all that the folks carrying a purse are generally the ladies. They don't necessarily get to have all the pockets us guys do.
I agree that the little door handle 'pocket' isn't right. It takes a moment to get it in or out and/or the risk of dropping them. I discovered that the center console shelf below the shifter is a super place to stuff my purse and there should be room to include the fob there too. But be careful what you do with the shoulder strap so it doesn't get involved with your right leg and/or notorious accelerator pedal. I acutally hardly ever get anything lost in my purse--to anal about the organization I suppose. My left jean or jacket pocket has worked often enough unless I have already sat down and buckled up and discover I'm still holding the fob in my hand. Then I look for a place to put it. A little holder that DOES NOT LOCK in the fob when the car is running would have been a nice solution. I think I will just end up continuing to use my jean pocket, jacket pocket, or purse. Thanks.
When I bought my car I thought that shelf below the shifter was dumb, Now I'm throwing stuff on it all the time! Top glove box is a good stash spot also!
What about keeping your Prius key Fob deep in your purse, where it seldom needs to be retrieved and put your other keys on a separate key ring that you retrieve regularly.
I HATE to have other keys along with my car key. I always keep them in my pocket-but I guess if had to keep my keys in the car I'd use the drawer under the console
No, then you have two things to track. One you keep lost in your purse and the other presents the same problem as the fob. I don't have SKS on all doors. Double clicking to open all doors is handy when you and passengers are approaching the locked car or I want to open the hatch. After picking up the mail if I forget to put the keys/fob in a pocket or don't have a pocket that day then I'll stuff them in the purse where I can access them easily or put them on the shelf with the purse.