Any one experience problem with bluetooth phone connection. When I start the Prius, the Nav screen instantly displayed "Bluetooth connection successful". On the phone info screen I can see indeed the phone name is displayed and BT is active. The problem is my contact list as well as the dialing pad on the Nav screen is gray, ie it can not be used to call out. In the mean time I can receive call via the bluetooth or dial out directly from the mobile phone and with audio come through the car audio system. This problem come and go, the contact list and dialing pad can turn bright in one instant and then gray again in the next. However it is gray most of the time. I have paired the bluetooth with a Blackberry 9000 and an iPhone 3Gs, both have the same problem. I am wondering if other experience the same problem, and if so what is the fix other then send it back to the dealer?
If it has the same problem with multiple, different, BT devices, I would say that the bluetooth module in the car's head end is suspect, or faulty. Back to the Dealer I think.
If you are not totally stopped, that is the way the system is designed. Toyota has obviously seen this forum and has decided that we are a bunch of dopes who can't be trusted to keep paying attention to the road while the car is moving so they don't let the phone or nav screen work except in very limited ways. You can use your speed dial and you can use your voice dial, but you can't call up your contact list while the car is moving. Just like you can't navigate except to predesignated destinations or with voice commands. There are "fixes" to this situation, but they are more expensive than I care to get involved in.
Thanks, that is exactly what happen. It stop working when the car is moving and it work again when the car stop. The problem is of course this stupid setup also prevent the passage from using the dialing pad. At the end it only create more dangerous driving condition because the driver is now needed to fumble with the phone try to dial while driving. I do hope Toyota read this forum and realized what a stupid idea that was!
It is simply a liability problem. You may find it hard to believe bit there are people who would not pay attention to the road, get in an accident because of their own stupidity and then file a lawsuit against Toyota to pick up their piece of the American dream.
If you push the call history, it will allow you to make a call. I use it when driving and I'm careful to pay attention to the road.
How do you get the call history to come up? Is it just with calls made from the car? I can only get just a couple of numbers to show up on the call history and most of the time isn't the numbers I am looking for when in the car.
I just use the voice commands when driving. Press the voice button on the steering wheel, and say, "Dial by name" or "Dial by number" and then respond to the prompts. Total hands free solution while keeping your eyes on the road.
Unbelievable! I thought there was a "bug" in our new V with the 'Nav package and was planning to call the dealer... I think we should all be tattooed on the wrist at birth with the warning that "life is hazardous and can lead to death"... I give up!