Oh the irony of this news story. The government of Australia warns its citizens about traveling to Canada, due to everything from weather dangers to crime dangers Yes a guy from Winnipeg, in a WHEELCHAIR, is violently assaulted by a couple of teenagers Wheelchair-bound Manitoba man attacked in Australia | World | News | Winnipeg Sun Wheelchair-bound Manitoba man attacked in Australia Warning the surveillance video is graphic and disturbing Canadian hospitalized after Australian train station assault Now I can actually see that happening to the guy IN Winnipeg. Winnipeg is the violent Murder Captial Car Theft Capital Assault Capital of Canada. But you don't see Canada telling its citizens to be wary of Australia I'm willing to bet that Australia has a similar "justice" system to Canada with the YCJA, so these two punks will soon be walking the streets again. As that is what would happen if the assault occurred in Winnipeg Perhaps if Canadians and Americans boycotted Australia for a few months, as in the Holloway case in Aruba, that might send a message? Now, just one question. Considering the horrific nature of this persons injuries, does the Australian taxpayer pay for his medical care in Australia, or will the Australian government send a bill to the Canadian government?
Hopefully he purchased full travel and medical insurance before he left. In that case, he should be covered. Today's news story says he's recovering. The kids should be sentenced to a wheelchair for a long time.
I think he was over on a visa, with his Australian girlfriend. So if he's lucky, her insurance covers him I doubt the kids will spend more than a week in Juvenile lockup
It's a terrible incident, but you can't tar all Australians with the same brush. These are two scumbags who will probably end up with a slap on the wrist but what would happen if the reverse had happened and it was an Aussie in Canada or the USA or even here in the UK? I'm sure the decent people of Australia are as sickened as we all are.
If the Aussie had been in Winnipeg and assaulted by one of our numerous street gangs, he'd be lucky to still be alive. The teenaged assailants would be back on the street within a matter of hours, and our Socialist government would wring its hands in dismay, then blame Poverty and Unloving Upbringing for creating the monsters The point is, Australia will actually WARN its citizens about travel to Canada. About time the Canadian government warned its citizens about travel to Australia
Well if this is the first violent incident against one of your country folk then I think you're over-reacting, but if it is one of many then yes, warn your citizens officially. I know you feel strongly about this incident but is tit for tat the way to go?
Hmmm.... Warning doesn't keep Aussies from visiting Canada - CTV News Quoth the article: So the upshot of all of this is if the terrorists don't get you the wind-chill will!
According to wikipedia (yah, I know, grain of salt and all) a very long time ago: [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada"][/ame] 1969, 13 February: the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) set off a powerful bomb which ripped through the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal_Stock_Exchange"]Montreal Stock Exchange[/ame], causing massive destruction and seriously injuring 27 people. [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents]List of terrorist incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Terrorists long ago realized that more damage could be done by leaving Canada intact. Timmies is part of that program. Tom
I've always felt very safe whilst traveling in Canada, including in Vancouver. I also spent extensive time in Winnipeg, with no problems at all. There are places in the USA that I would hesitate to travel through, however.
Of that I have no doubt That must have been a LONG time ago. What with Winnipeg being ranked consistently as one of Canada's most violent cities CBC News - Manitoba - Wave of gang violence 'imminent,' police say CTV Winnipeg- Highest homicide rate in history - CTV News, Shows and Sports -- Canadian Television etc Now, look at Utah stats http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/utcrime.htm The population of Manitoba is about 1.2 million, slightly less than half of Utah. The rate of crime in Utah is, in some cases, 5 times higher
Actually, yes. That coincides with when the lefty do-gooder socialist Gary Doer government got their reins on government here, and started hugging criminals instead of punishing them
Sounds like here You know I get some customers who say " I arn't going to pay you, what you gonna do about it!" My answer - "nothing" If I try to restrain them it's assault, if I call the cops they laugh. I just bite the bullet and put it down to experience . God help us if our lefty criminal hugging Government gets voted in again in May
What? You tried to RESTRAIN a criminal? Have you no decency?? You're lucky that the police didn't try to arrest YOU instead! Just being sarcastic. Your scenario happens here quite often. Ironically, the use of ignition immobilizers instead of criminal apprehension has resulted in taxi cabs, including the Prius, being easy targets CBC News - Manitoba - Immobilizers to blame for cab thefts: taxi company Suspect arrested in taxi carjacking | Winnipeg | News | Winnipeg Sun Not much is done even when they are caught. Under age 18, they walk. So, it's a fun job to drive a taxi cab, at least in Winnipeg
Hey guys, as an Aussie this kind of thing sickens me and I am sorry it happens. Fact is though that bashings in Australia are so rare they actually make the papers and TV as news. I doubt this guy was targeted by these weak bastards because he was Canadian but because they saw a guy in a wheelchair as a soft target, gutless bastards!! The Australian government runs a travel advisory service and they need to state all threats, even if minor to allow people to make up their own mind. I think Canada would be much safer than most places, USA included and I wouldn't hesitate to travel to the USA so Canada is a safe destination in my eyes. When I was last in the UK I walked from a friends home to my hotel room at 2AM, the week after I left the barman in the same hotel was murdered in the same streets walking home from work. That could have been me. The town I was in is full of poverty and has a very high crime rate, does that make me foolish? Maybe. Living in a place with very low levels of violent crime gives one a sense of invulnerability I guess. I'm sorry a Canadian was bashed in Australia and embarrassed by it.
Canadians like to think they have very low levels of crime. Our laws, especially the YCJA, have actually empowered criminals. I suspect these two teenagers in Australia will walk, once the media hype dies down If this assault had happened in Winnipeg, I most certainly would have expected these two teenagers to walk. Though a nice touch is how the mother of one of the "alleged assailants" is now claiming the handicapped guy in the wheelchair "provoked" the attack. Well, if true, the police wouldn't have arrested the two teenagers. Indeed, if you provoke an attack here, you're pretty much SOL with the police So, we will see how this all plays out