I have searched for instructions of how to remove the access door to the center console. Part of the fabric is coming off in the back and I would like to get the access door off to fix it. Can someone advise as to the process for removing it on a 2007 model. Thanks
See pages IP-23 et seq. in this Instrument Panel part of the Service/Repair Manual: http://www.hybrid-synergy.eu/Documents_2006/IP - Instrument Panel.pdf It gives instructions for removing the center console (it calls it the "rear console") door and its hinge, but I believe it doesn't show how you remove or access the fabric top. If you can figure out how to remove or access the fabric top alone, please share the info. Thanks and good luck.
Thanks for the link. It will really help for when I try this tomorrow. I will let you know if I can find a way to access the fabric top