Re: Prius Nav system totally USELESS - Agreed I would have to agree. It's very frustrating and not at all intuitive. Yes, I've read the manual but still... Having used a Garmin for many years, I learned a valuable lesson on purchasing cars: Don't bother getting the built-in NAV system. If that's the best they can come up with then Toyota should not even bother. Even today, if my wife isn't using our Garmin, I'll borrow it instead of using the Prius' NAV system.
i second that! i have the factory navi in my prius but i still prefer using my garmin nuvi ( 2+ years now!)
I have four Garmin systems and the factory Nav. I only use the factory Nav with our Prius. It works as well as the Garmin systems, in some cases better, and is nicely integrated. On the other hand, it is very expensive for what you get, and it has that irritating lock-out while moving. Tom
Works better? I don't get it. The only nice feature I can think of with the integrated NAV is when turning onto another highway. The split screen detail will show you multiple lanes and which one I need to be in. Garmin doesn't have that but I'd still rather use my Garmin Nuvi . And God forbid you have to update Toyota's integrated NAV. I was quoted $300+ for a current DVD. Talk about highway robbery! :angry: I paid $160 for lifetime updates for my Garmin and it updates once every 4 months.