This thread is merely just for fun. It is not to say that members on here think they are slow. And please dont comment on the smoke, these are competition only vehicles. Enjoy
I'm going to comment on the smoke. Audi and Peugeot make their Le Mans racers run without smoking. I wish more competition vehicles would do the same. Otherwise, it can reinforce the idea that going fast with a diesel means lots of smoke.
Here is another excellent diesel example: Excellent examples of how important diesel fuel efficiency is to diesel advocates. Bob Wilson
It's very important to me, and whenever I drive I try to do it in an efficient way. Please don't stereotype us all. Are all Prius owners Democrat environmentalists who live in California?
I hope you can appreciate the irony of this posting in a thread titled "Who Said Diesels Were Slow?" With 'friends' like 'durallymax' and the "Jetta vs Prius" advocates, it is a bit like Custer needing more Indians. <wink> Bob Wilson
I myself hate smoke. It makes out image look bad. But when it comes to a competition like a sled pull or drag race I don't mind. These vehicles run for 15 seconds at a time. The lemans cars run for 24 hours. Look at the "Max'd Out" duramax above. Their truck is making over 1,100hp and is the quickest full bodied duramax in the nation on fuel only and it run smoke free. The banks duramax vehicles above are also smoke free but use immense amounts of nitrou. To clean it up. Then there is the fans. Generally folks at a tractor pull are not liberals from LA. Most of them are from te blue collar crowd an for some of them the smoke is part of the show and I'll admit I like watching the smoke turn from white to grey to black to hold on. The smoke at pulls and drag races from diesels may look bad to people but I always tell them to look at NASCAR. Us pullers are out there for 300' whereas NASCAR drivers are out there for 2.64 million feet which is 8,800 times longer than us pullers are out there running our vehicles. There is also an advantage to overfueling the engine as well, on synod if has shown a slight horsepower increase it's not much but in a pull tht extra .1" can mean the difference between 1st and 2nd. So can power be made without smoke? Yep you bet I do it all the time as I love a good clean tune.
I have a fast street legal diesel pick up, no smoke at all, although I spent the money and got proper tunes and equipment so that I'm not over fueling, that is all the "smoke" is soot I.E unburned fuel
I 'almost' feel compelled to point out the Land Speed Record Prius, and Super/Turbocharged Prius, but then I remember I use mine as a 45 MPG truck and am happy. (I never say Diesels are slow, I say that, unlike your videos, most are correctly sized for the load they carry) 2,700 HP diesel truck And yes, 2,700 HP is correctly sized, has a 280 ton payload. (and it is a diesel electric hybrid, ours use pantographs to be 'plug in' hybrids even while driving. They use the electrical grid like a Trolley, as the equivalent to the HV Battery in a Prius)