You did right, obviously a team of doctors was concerned so you don't need to justify yourself to him. Don't even think about it, people can be pretty darned stupid sometimes.
Like this one: [ame=]YouTube - Funny Blonde Car Problem[/ame] No offense intended to any female PC members who are blonde, but the opportunity was too tempting.
How are your kids when they return from their dad's house? Are they happy? Are they sad? Are they eager and excited or depressed when it's time to go back there? Do they come home begging you not to send them back? Take your cues from them. If they enjoy their visits, it may be best to put up with it. If they are miserable there, it may be time to go back to court and try to get sole custody.
Did she stay in a Holiday Inn recently? It is the season, so it is possible that a flu bug migrated to pneumonia. The important thing is that your son is getting medical care. Untreated pneumonia can be nasty with young children. It sounds like a borderline abusive environment for your sons. I am not trying to stir up anything, but just based on your description of abrasive and unkind behavior, there could be a toxic mix. Depending on how long your youngest was most recently visiting your ex and his GF, it could have contributed to the pneumonia. Again, I am NOT trying to stir up anything. How long on the meds? If only a couple of days, it takes longer (couple of weeks with my last bout of pneumonia) for the cough to go away. What meds is your son on? Azithromycin was what was prescribed for my last two bouts with pneumonia; the first one occurred before azithromycin was available. Cough-wise, the doctor prescribed robitussin + codeine; but for children, I imagine something else would be prescribed.
As long as its normally aspirated rice, there is probably still time to act. Buy that boy a V8 pronto and put him on a steady diet of southern rock. Things should sort themselves out pretty quickly. If however he has moved on to some sort of forced induction rice you could have a serious situation on your hands. Sorry, couldn't resist. Glad he's ok, and sorry for your tribulations.
Azithromycin was really effective at knocking down the pneumonia both times it was prescribed. A month later, the x-ray was clear.
yes, He is doing MUCH better. He is rarely coughing now and when he does, it doesn't have that same croupy sound. It doesn't last for near as long either. thanks for asking
Yup! It's at one of our grassland preserves for Swainson's Hawk and vernal pool fairy shrimp. We were doing some monitoring and I had to stage the shot. It was too perfect.
One of the goals at the family dinner table when all the boys were at home was seeing who could get Adam to shoot rice out his nose... Yes, every night was comedy night at our house. Boys will be boys. Teach him how to safely eject the rice.
In my case, at age 10, it was milk, not rice. Once you get used to the sensation of milk in your nasal area, it's good fun
Just last night I was having to get serious with them not to laugh and play around while eating ice cream. It's hard because they are so much fun but damn I don't want to end up at the ER again! My son can make this amazingly scary noise. We don't know exactly what it is or how he does it... scares the hell out of me so I've forbid him to do it. I think the older kids pay him quarters when I'm not around though.