confession: I gave in and signed up for match. I figured out that I don't do well if I have a problem ( I don't like being single) and I feel like I'm just living with it and not doing something to solve it. It's amazing, I can live with all kids of unpleasant stuff as long as I'm working towards a solution. I am a magnet for men 55-65.
To me being single is unpleasant. I like having a partner to share stuff with. It's like a constant damper in all the really amazing things that are happening in my life right now that I don't have someone to share it all with. Note: I have no idea if this will really post or not, I actually thought the one above this one didn't! Who knows what else I thought I posted, thought I didn't post, I ended up posting.... It's starting to feel a bit twilight zone this morning....
I like Match. It's a hell of a lot easier than meeting people in real life when you are already too damn busy to go out searching. Although I confess to sneaking a cute pharmacist my number yesterday after chemo while having a date set up for Friday night. :fish2:
And avoid having to rely on the blue pill? The red pill will free you show you how deep the rabbit hole goes... [ame=]The red pill, or blue pill on Vimeo[/ame]
That is downright creepy. I've noticed men that age, on the prowl, are single/divorced for a damn good reason Some have legitimate excuses, eg the death of their spouse. But generally, Buyer Beware
Oops! busted posting pre coffee again. :ranger: I've come to the conclusion that "friends my own age" don't yet know how damn wonderful I am. Older men are the same guys who 10 years ago, decided they could do better than the perfectly wonderful woman right in front of them that went on to marry a man 10 years older ( who by then knew how rockin awesome she is) I see it in their eyes, the " if only I knew then what I know now" look. The other look they have is the one for men my age: It's the "you're a dumb nice person" look. This is my pollyanna, it's all-their-fault-never-mine world. Please don't rock my boat by trying to introduce any reality into it. ound: There's more to sexy than erections my friend. One of the biggest players I know is a widower. One of the nicest guys I know has never been married. I don't think age, marital history, or gender define character. Character defines character.
When dating, watch out for this guy... Okay, not a link, since this is SO NOT SAFE FOR WORK... Go to YouTube and search "Show me your genitals". Watch. Laugh. It is humor. because, if it isn't humor, I'll have to kill that man.
Within easy sight of 50, sadly enough Join the club. We have nice dinner jackets Close enough to the truth though. Been there done that Easy for you to say. A guy generally needs those two words in at least the same paragraph, or ends up really disappointed I agree. But generally, older single guys are downright creepy. We used to have a 57 year old never-married engineer on staff. Women in the office claim their skin crawled whenever he was near, and refused to be alone in the same room with him Amazing true story: one time a file clerk DEMANDED I accompany her to the file room, just because she knew he was also lurking in there Ummmm .... I really do think that guy is serious. Funny, but yeah, I do believe he is serious I will also bet you money he scores at least as often as I do. My problem is I actually romance my women, go through all that extra effort and such Wanna bet this guy has never bathed a woman, or washed her hair, or brushed her hair, in his life? Call me a silly romantic, but I really do enjoy bathing my women
My 14 year old: "Mom you need an educated, spiritual, super hero, lawyer.... oh wait, those don't come in your age."
Lawyer??? Well, the kid isn't old enough to have had experience with lawyers. I could tell you something about lawyers... And super-heroes... well, good luck finding a super-hero. I wouldn't mind dating Cat Woman myself. Or better yet Animala. (You'll get that reference if you've seen The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. Not a super-hero, but very much a cat woman.)
I loved Lost Skeleton of Cadavra! You're right, Animala was totally fun! I think sometimes a man's best qualities don't show up until he's in a good relationship..
Ouch. Thanks, kid. I read some research results recently that suggested the female half of the relationship should be about 5 years younger than the male, and about 25% smarter.
I think perhaps my son has an inflated sense of who I am. I mean... he pretty much described Ghandi. My younger son is a lot less specific, he just thinks I need to date someone who gets to carry a gun in their job.