My husband & I have been married for almost 34 years (34 years on June 12). I was almost 20 at the time... There may be more of us than you think! :cheer2:
I wish I was one of you. When you're in your 20's and even 30's, having one night stands and Friends With Benefits works. Once you hit your 40's, you want a companion to be there for you, and those are in short supply
Jay, maybe that's an example of 'be careful what you wish for'. You did say you didn't want any emotional involvement, right? Ya gotta take the bad with the good, my friend, and relationships are long term investments. Then again, some days a faithful companion of the canine variety, and a friend or two with benefits doesn't look so bad. The grass is always greener.....
I've had enough "happily married" guys tell me that, or something VERY similar, that I'm going to stick with the Friends With Bennies
Good plan. Those random moments of loneliness will pass soon enough. Just think back to the French maid outfit..... Good friends are always worth having, male or female, 'benefits' or not.
Agreed! Sometimes the 'benefits' are things like tour guide services I do value my friends I've made here at PC... often wished we all lived closer...
Wouldn't that be awesome! Yes, tour guides, places to go and people to see, stay with, take you sailing.....
I need to get a new one. This one is getting a bit tight and is starting to chafe Call me a prude, but I draw the line at having male Friends With Bennies Unless the "bennies" are a high performance single engine aircraft, or a very expensive luxury automobile.
It occurs to me from time to time. Sometimes I just feel like I'm sitting in the middle of the marriage merry-go-round watching it as it goes around and around. I consider myself lucky to some extent, but I also know that both my wife and I are so easygoing that it makes everything easy to deal with and fun. I'm just enjoying the ride. Maybe for most people. I know I'm way outside the statistical norm, but I don't feel like I've really made an "investment". Just found someone that I enjoy being around every day. And oh yeah, we had a dog for 15 years that only added to our fun. You can have your cake and eat it too. It does require some luck, I suppose.
It crossed my mind to change it up a bit when I was typing it. I appreciate your sense of humor. It's a lot like mine.
18 to 48, that was enough for me. Souldn't really count the last 4 years I guess. Rene', if we didn't all live so far apart then the tour guide part wouldn't really work, would it?
So you think you want a talking sex robot? Check this out. The Outer Limits on Hulu. Maybe from now on you'll prefer a real woman.
I'll take the new improved Valerie 24 model: remove drama and possessiveness programming, add programming to perfectly fold fitted sheets. Make sure it is fully functional. :madgrin:
You have obviously not read/watched enough dystopian sci-fi. No matter how much you "improve" or re-program these things, they always turn into psychotic killers. Asimov's first law of robotics never works outside of Asimov's own stories.