I know this is mainly a hybrid forum for the Prius and there is a section for non Prius hybrids too. But there is a growing number of members who are discussing the benefits of the latest clean diesels and how they compare with hybrids. Could we not now have a seperate section for 'clean diesels' where such comments can be posted? Just an idea and I don't want to tell you have to do you job
+1 This would be a proactive, forward looking response. Frequently we get posts comparing the mileage of VW TDI to the Prius. The comparison arises naturally and fundamentally has merit, if for no other reason than to remind us that technology marches on and now, or at least soon, there are/will be other carbon based technologies that can/will challenge, even surpass the Prius' stellar MPG achievement. Likewise with pollution figures. Additionally, we are beginning to see creditable reports of diesel hybrids being developed for market, IIRC MB, Audi, Peugeot? A diesel forum would be a good thing, both as a place to agggregate information, but also as a recognition of the diversity of the views and experiences of our members.
I agree, we should have just a Diesel section Furthermore, it should be broken up into Heavy Duty, Light Duty, and Passenger Car Although I would never put up with a diesel engine in a climate that can dip to -40 in winter, like where I live, in a mild climate I would consider one
Not entirely convinced about it being broken into 3 different sections, though I can see the logic in your comments. This is a Prius hybrid forum, hence the name PriusChat.com but I do believe there is room for comments on the benefits of clean diesel. But that's just my opinion.
That would be interesting and a good place to contain most diesel related discussion instead of it scattering all over the place.
So guys, what posts are going to go into this sub forum? And I see no point in having more than a single sub-forum under "other cars", if we do create it. I think the Prius vs Jetta TDI type questions are still the realm of the general Prius forums. I dont' think we want this site to become a mini-diesel forum. I don't think we get a lot of diesel only questions/comments. And, ultimately, will it attract more trolls and more hostility than it will help solve any problems. I'm interested in feedback and thoughts and how you think such a forum would contribute to the site and not detract from it.
Hi Evan, I think it would be a good place for general diesel related discussion: emissions, fuel economy, comparisons to other (non-Prius) hybrids, etc. There's been a few active diesel related topics recently and they don't seem to have a place to go other than the Other Cars forum. I noticed that there are already sub-forums for other hybrid cars like Honda hybrids, the Volt, and Ford hybrids. The Jetta TDI outsells all hybrids in the USA other than the Prius. And that is just the Jetta, not counting other VW TDIs or diesels from other manufacturers, plus all the diesel buses, trucks, and so on. So if Ford hybrids are popular enough to have a forum, then I think diesels could probably support one. As a bonus, the diesel forum would possibly hide diesel related discussions from those who have no desire to read about it.
Ok, I get that. Yea, but the common theme there is that they're "HYBRIDS" or EVs, like the Prius, advanced technology vehicles. It's like asking to add green beans to a fruit forum and arguing that b/c more green beens are sold that kiwi that it should have it's own forum. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not completely opposed, but we already have a plethora of forums and sub-forums, to the point that a lot of newbies are a bit unsure where to post things. And if someone comes here trying to decide b/w a Jetta TDI and a Prius and they have a question, where do they post it? Right now it's pretty easy to just put it in the Gen III forum...but add a diesel forum and it gets more complicated. And, again, I'm not sure we are really interested in attracting a large diesel following. There is that! Just looking to be a bit more convinced while we consider the idea. Can you give me links to say 10 posts in the past 2 weeks that would best fit a diesel sub-forum over anywhere else on the site??
Hi Evan, I don't think I can do 10. Here's 4 that I've viewed over the last two weeks which I think would be a good fit: http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/77013-diesel-engines.html http://priuschat.com/forums/other-c...rm-test-09-vw-jetta-tdi-march-2010-issue.html http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/76408-minivan-dream-peugeot-5008-a.html http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/76607-my-duramax.html
Probably not, but they're not as kind and open minded as Prius owners The main reason behind my suggestion was that there are a growing number of diesel threads in here. Also, similarities have been made within these threads of the benefits of a clean diesel against a hybrid. Now I know there are pro's and con's about a diesel (rightly or wrongly) and these have been discussed at huge length in some posts. Diesels are quite a new thing in the USA, or at least the latest clean(er) diesels that we've had in Europe and Oz for some time are and there are some benefits to diesel. Personally I'm not a fan of the latest diesels as they are now way too complex and expensive for the increase in fuel economy against say a much cleaner (at the tail pipe) hybrid. But diesel cars do have their uses and probably will continue to do so. This isn't a diesel site, but maybe room could be made for one section where all diesel posts can be posted and/or moved to?
Diesels are not new to the US. They've been used widely in buses and the trucking industry for ages. They're just not popular amongst "light vehicles" (ranging from cars to "light trucks") here and availability of fuel is limited compared to gasoline. For awhile, about the only automakers in the US who sold any diesel cars (don't count trucks) were VW and Mercedes and I think it was down to VW at one point. There was even a recent gap where no VW TDI cars were available (I forget which year) but it was within the last 6 years. We had a fair # of diesel cars in the late 70s and early 80s but I was too young to drive or know at the time. I can't vouch for the accuracy of List of GM engines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, but you can read up on it there. I recall seeing old diesel Nissan Maximas here long ago and they're mentioned at Nissan Maxima - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Even before skimming that Wikipedia entry, I've heard about the horrible reputation of GM's diesel engines supposedly ruining America's appetite for diesels. California and CARB states have tough emissions standards and thus many diesels became unavailable in those states. I recall that a few "clean diesels" weren't clean enough for CA in their first iterations. http://www.edmunds.com/diesel/2009/buyingguide.html mentions "The big diesel news for 2009 is the arrival of 50-state-legal diesel vehicles."
Yeah I'm aware you have diesel trucks and buses. I am also aware about the VW & Mercedes monopoly of diesel cars for the last couple decades. My comments were directed at the latest 'clean' diesels that are 50 state complient as they can be the only ones that can be compared to the Prius. If we do have a diesel section then I believe it MUST be restricted to cars only, so that a comparisons can be made to hybrids.