How much are you guys getting quoted for a transmission fluid service? The dealer here wants $140. One independent wants $58.50 labor + price of the fluid. Another independent said "around $60." You?
Having changed my own, I didn't solicit quotes, but I wouldn't pay $140 for the dealer to do it even if it included the fluid. I'm not mechanically inclined, I had never done it previously, and I don't have a lift, and I still got the job done in an hour or so being very deliberate with it. Your second indie quote seems especially fair if it includes fluid and you trust the shop.
Toyota ATF WS MSRP is around $8.50 per US quart and four quarts are needed. If an independent is quoting $60 for the entire job, my guess is that shop is planning to use Dexron ATF which will not work. Suggest you clarify before you use the independent for this work.
We took our 2007 Prius in for its 30K service yesterday and the dealer called to say we should have the transmission fluid flushed to the tune of $230!!! I was even wondering if this was necessary at 30K? Some say this isn't needed till 60K. Does anyone have feedback on this? I was also told the fuel injectors should be cleaned out for $140 and the break fluid should be flushed out for $100. I was under the impression that these maintenance items were not usually needed at 30K. Thoughts? Note: I already had approved the "4-wheel brake service" for $150. Would have thought that flushing out the brake fluid would have been a part of that.
This dealer is trying to steal money from you. I won't go back to the same dealer again. Transmission fluid for gen II should be good for at least 60K if not 100K. Fuel injector cleaning is not necessary and brake fluid should last at least 100K I think.
Hmm. Flushed? Bet they drain and refill only. That's rather steep, but changing the fluid at 30K has merit (see numerous posts on oil analysis results). In Canada, the published maintenance interval is 100K km, which equates to 62K miles. For some reason I still haven't discerned, in the USA, there isn't such a published number. Just say no. Neither is needed. Wow! What did this consist of? There's increasing evidence suggesting that brake fluid in the Prius lasts much longer than in non-hybrid vehicles, perhaps because of the heavy use of regenerative braking, instead of hydraulic braking. Shouldn't be needed until around 100K, or perhaps 5 years, I believe.
I would decline all of those services that you had been offered. Really, all you need is to install new cabin and engine air filters, change the engine oil and oil filter, and look around for obvious signs of damage to the exhaust system, suspension, brakes, and driveshafts. I change transaxle fluid at 30K mile intervals, but I only have to pay for the ATF WS, ~$9 per quart, 4 quarts needed, plus two aluminum washers. That job will take the Toyota dealer tech around 20 minutes. I certainly would not pay $230 for that service.
My Dealer has done it twice now (soon to be three times) every 60,000 miles in my 2004 Prius. The first time he suggested a flush ($150 vs $95 for a drain and refill after asking why) so I asked why a flush. He said that a drain and refill doesn't get new ATF into the Torque converter. I asked him where the torque converter is in a Prius. He charged me $95 for a drain and refill (no Torque converter in a Prius ). The second time he charged a little over $100. I expect that next time (180,000 miles) it will run about $110 (inflation). JeffD
Thank you Patrick for the very helpful reply in this very helpful thread! I just got a $65 quote from an independent with a great reputation in the area; they said they'd use Toyota fluid. I'd sure like to switch from the dealership (which wants $170). Think something's fishy about this $65 quote? Should I ask for the empty bottles?
$65 is pretty low. Fluid MSRP is $9/qt, or $36. Then they are charging $29 for labor, which is approximately half an hour when it is all said and done. I guess if their labor rate is low, it makes sense. Otherwise, they may be quoting based on Toyota T-IV fluid, which is cheaper, or Dex/Merc, cheapest. Take Richard's advice, just show up with 4 qts of ATF WS that you get from your dealer and pay labor, shop supplies, and enviro fees.