My interest in a girlfriend goes all the way back to my teens, and my interest in an electric sports car came long after my mid-life crisis began.
I have been informed that is NOT going to happen. Which is really a shame, some of the photos I had in mind would probably have given all the mods a psychotic episode alone No, that is not how you use a feather duster for intimate moments. You start off with the small duster, then gradually work up to the Big Boy No wonder the feather duster isn't working for you, you're doing it completely nice person-backwards Wow, and here I thought I was "young" when I started at 13. You got me beat by a year. At that age, that's like 10 years in normal adult years!
So wait, you're telling me to start off with the Dash Duster them move up to the full-sized duster? The plastic handle or wooden?
Wow. I go away for a couple of days and this thread takes a turn for the bizarre. Handcuffs without whips? What a waste. Tom
I have started to think that I have short changed an entire demographic that should not be so quickly dismissed.... You keep trying! I know! something about Jayman and F8L, graduating sizes, wooden and plastic handles.... I don't like this visual much.
See, this is why I can't handle the FWB thing. I get way to jealous... Rae how could you? I thought we had something special....
And I thought Rae and I had something special... I did get her drinks in Detroit. On the other hand, Toyota was paying for the drinks, so I suppose it wasn't a grand gesture. Tom
You only got me drinks because I had announced to the entire room that I "suck when I'm drunk"... ound: Don't worry, there's enough of me to go around... you are all special