Thanks for all the assistance and great information here. In spite of some concerns about the recalls and bad publicity, I ordered my Prius and waiting for it to come in. I was wondering if anyone knows whether I can fit a mountain bike inside? Thanks for everything
You won't regret it. The answer is yes! I do remove the front wheel, and have a weathertech cargo liner instead of the carpeted one.
I routinely transport a 3-wheel recumbent bike inside. Here are some photos with the 2004, which is smaller than the 2010. You'll be surprised by how big the interior actually is. .
Do you have a picture of that? What size bike are we talking about? My mountain bike needs the front wheel removed. Sure would be nice to not have to do that.
The prius can't make it on single trak. My bike isn't legal on the highway. I consume about 2onz per mile of water, but energy bars are more expensive than gas. I need to take the wheel off my tri and my mountain bike, but they fit well. I think you can safely get a couple of bikes back there. Just remembered, there is typically beer after a long ride. I'm with John, I do consume more liquid than the prius.
Note exactly what you are asking about but we fitted two folding bikes plus luggage out of sight under the cover in the rear cargo area for our trip down to California (Palm Springs area) in January