Perhaps it's just me but I've noticed a trend. Maybe as much as 7-8 times out of 10 when I'm being tailgated heavily, it's just one car on my butt. The second car behind me is WAY behind me. Now I can understand if I were to be impeding traffic and there's a whole line of cars equally spaced following me caravan-style, but this is just one person in one car who has left the rest of the pack behind in order to sit right on my butt. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed something similar?
I've notice this lately too. To me, it is usually a younger kid. I do not know whether they are trying to "draft" me NASCAR style or what. I had one young girl today tail gate me like this and then pull right up to my butt at multiple stop lights. She had several opportunities to pass me but did not. I even put my car in reverse to see the backup camera to see how close she really was to my rear bumper. Just a few inches !! I tried to get her attention but she was too busy talking on her cell phone and adjusting her music.
Tony it's you. ..LOL Your comments indicate (by your own admission) that 70% to 80% of the time you are driving like an old lady. So step on the throttle, pass those slow drivers and quit driving like and old lady. Show'em what the Prius can do. And remember....a man has to do what a man has to do....Smiling here...
Good idea, I will have to remember that next time I wonder if she would have even noticed that the light had cycled !!
I have some people immediately start riding my tail, which I can only imagine is related to their ideas about the Prius. There are also people who are always in a hurry and will tailgate anyone.
My guesses are: 1. Paparazzi 2. Your witness protection program cover has been breached. 3. Your spouse found out about your new friend (aka, the Tiger Woods phenomenon) 4. Schizophrenia. Not you; you're paranoid. The guy following you with the weapons is the one with schizophrenia. OMG; now he's following me!
Usually they come around beside me to take pictures with their cell phone. Everybody wants a picture of the three-legged clown car.
Put on your hazard flashers and run your windshield washers that also water anyone following too close, and gradually slow down until they pass. But I had a cop tell me the best strategy is just not to acknowledge them.
It's sort of variable. But the rare times I'm *not* being tailgated and the car behind is actually hanging back at a reasonably safe distance, he's invariably got someone tight on *his* butt. . _H*
If it is a multi-laned road, and someone comes up behind me, I move over. That simple. I dont care if they are going 1mph faster or 40mph faster, the left lane is for passing, so move over! You not moving over just pisses them off, and they drive more aggressively dangering you and other people. No reason to try and change their idiotic tailgating ways, just put on your blinker, move over, and let them go. I expect the same from others when I need to pass, and it seems only half the time does it work. It's even a state law around here, but few seem to understand >.<
No, it isn't state law that you must move over to the left lane when the driver on your butt in the right lane wants to go faster. But sometimes it is a good idea, if the left lane isn't filled.